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Gamescom was always really awesome with Riot there and it drew a lot of attention. There were so many cosplays (there still are tbh even without them) and a lot of people loved it. It was really a Riot event where you could talk to them and hear some awesome things about the game and its development.

Meanwhile going to lcs or worlds games is more like watching soccer games in a stadium. You go there for the game, have a bit of hype before the game starts and after the game everyone instantly goes home. It's not that much of a Riot event and not comparable to Gamescom.

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over 6 years ago - /u/ItsAriya - Direct link

Originally posted by Firedrakez

I've been going to gamescom for the past 6 years now, going again this year. I thought it was really weird that they stopped attending Gamescom. When they were there, they easily took up half of the hall they were in. I can understand not wanting to do lcs playoffs there anymore, but you can attend without an esports event and still make a lot of people happy.

Even now that LoL isn't at Gamescom anymore, you still see loads of LoL cosplayers. There are even a lot of people playing LoL at booths that aren't even being hosted by Riot, and there are always loads of people there to watch it. Really hope they decide to come back one year.

Hi Firedrakez,

we're still actively supporting the Cosplay Community at gamescom every year, be it with prices or some € to help them rent the space for their Cosplay Booth. We do the same with all the booths that wants to play League. We supply them with accounts or the tournament realm and help them design small little tournaments.

I was with Riot at gamescom from 2012 to 2015 and I still miss it, but Draggles already pointed out some of the challenges we face. It is really hard to put up an event for so many people and making it a great experience. This year we have a "small" tournament on Saturday at the ESL stage, so definitely stop by and say hi to my colleagues and me if you are still there. :) Also don't miss the League of Legends Cosplay contest on Thursday evening!