over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPopc0rner - Direct link

Hey folks! Pick URF is back in town!

There have been no major systems changes to URF since the last run earlier this year, and only one roster change: new Fiddlesticks!

As always, please leave any questions or feedback below, and have fun!

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPopc0rner - Direct link

Originally posted by chavelol

Wish GP could stack up Silver Serpents faster. Even with barrel spam it still takes a while, usually games are over already by the time you get 1 ult upgrade. One of the few scaling elements in the game that isn't tied to items or levels.

This is a good callout, thank you!

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPopc0rner - Direct link

Originally posted by Guest_4710

Items with passives that have a cooldown (Banhee's Veil, Edge of Night, Steraks Gage) are still in their normal cooldowns. Can you bring them to URF values like Active items?

The way passive item cooldowns work under the hood makes it much harder to apply CDR to them than active items.

Having said that, I think it would be a cool space to explore sometime in the future.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPopc0rner - Direct link

Originally posted by Straiteis

Please add the random champion option to champion select like there was in 1FA

Oh! I also like to random-roll in RGMs sometimes. I'll ask around about this :)

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPopc0rner - Direct link

Originally posted by Kond0rr

I'm sorry, but this URF balance just doesn't make sense, i already thought that the balance of the ARAM is bad (like Kaisa + 15% DMG), but the URF balance needs to improve a lot to be able to call it bad. Dude just doesn't make sense for a champion to do 25% more damage and take -25%. Aatrox simply kills everyone in AA and doesn’t die it’s unbelievable that it is still in the game even after almost 2(?) years that this balance was made

There are several other champions who are very strong (tanks in general, Yummi, Yi, Fizz, Jax, Lee Sup, Hecarim ...) and others who have buff and are ridiculously strong with those who have as little knowledge as possible such as GP, Evelynn, Corki, Akali and others that i don't remember.

I understand that you do the balancing according to the champion's Winrate but the URF was balanced on top of ARURF that follows the same theory as ARAM, it's a random mode so the tendency is for Winrate of these champions with more "mechanics" or not so played to be lower. While they are in random mode it is already frustrating when someone who understands playing with these buffed champions but, as it is not every game that will be in these conditions, ends up not being so boring and ending up with grace.

URF as well as Poro King is the same problem of breaking the fun, the balance of ARURF and ARAM go into these modes and with that people simply pick up some of these ultra buffed champs and the game just isn't funny.

In the past I really liked URF and hated ARURF, even with all the balance problems it had but now it seems that instead of reducing the problems, they have been increased. I think it would be interesting if they could release URF and ARURF at the same time, just as i saw several other people saying that they currently prefer the random.

IDK if it looked like a rage, if it wasn't the intention. It is just sincere feedback from a player who plays only ARAM/URF and hopes for improvement by writing this.

One question, is there a table in which we can find all current URF/ARAM balance? It is frustrating to have to search for patches and patches again to find out. In the past, there were these two lists (ARAM and URF), but they stopped updating; it would be interesting to provide a list with current changes

Thanks for taking the time to write this up! There are some good points here, particularly that "buffing for average %WR makes experienced players really strong".

A single place for us to publish ARAM/URF balance changes is a good idea and would help a lot of people keep up-to-date better.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPopc0rner - Direct link

Originally posted by chanmanm8

Talon's Q used to be like 1.2 seconds rank 1 and 0.8 by rank 5 with Urf Buff. I was trying to figure out why everything felt slow my first talon game on this set of URF with Talon about 10 min ago. Found out why: Talon's Q. It was 6 seconds....FIX THIS NOW RIOT! THIS IS URF, NOT RANKED.

Edit: i went to try to scope if there were any patch notes indicating intentional urf nerfs for talon. Didn't see any on Surrender at 20 or anywhere else.

Interesting. Sounds like a bug?