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People keep asking on here when the other missions are going to show up in the client. You might want to follow this Rioter on Twitter is you're one of those people always looking for some info. He is doing a pretty good job of posting info about the event and the lux skin.


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almost 6 years ago - /u/RiotXenogenic - Direct link

Thanks for sharing this to reddit and the kind words - I appreciate it. :)

It wasn't intended that the mission data wasn't available at the start. The article has since been updated but I recognize that not a lot of folks know where to find it or read it. The full mission information with dates is available here:


almost 6 years ago - /u/RiotXenogenic - Direct link

Originally posted by ChickenandBiscuits8

0w0 he's here! ...I didn't expect you to see this and comment lol. Thank you for sharing info with us and answering questions. I appreciate how personable the Rioters are. Shout out to Riot Swimbananas! :) She is very nice and good at her job.

Thanks Riot Xenogenic for the tweets I'm assuming you're sharing info on twitter as you know what's going on because things aren't all rolling out on time maybe because the Rioters have more important things going on like arbitration/walk out related stuff. People's quality of life at work is more important than mission info. Thank you for sharing with us when you can. :)

In a lot of aspects, this is the biggest event we've ever done. There are so many people involved and so many moving parts. And like every event, we will do a post-event retro where we talk about what went well and what didn't so we can continue learning and getting better and better at making and delivering these experiences.

I will be sharing all of the pain-points I've witnessed amongst players, such as not having more of the information earlier, so I appreciate all the feedback! It directly helps us improve