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10 months ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

We really wanted to do it, we just didn't have time to do it by the event. It's definitely something we want to add to the mode in the future.

10 months ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Curious_Produce1182

Hello Reav3 and thanks for taking your time in answering. I feel more relieved that it was discussed to be able to create a custom gamemode for Arena. This game mode is a huge step in design and I was honestly confused on why the feature wasn't available.

Now if I may ask... You did mentioned that it is something that Riot would like to add in the future; does this mean we can expect for the game mode to stay in the game after the Soul Fighter event?

I mean that will all depend on how many people play it. Could be permanent, could just come back in the future as a rotating game mode. I think based solely on PBE engagement its clear it wont be so unpopular that we wouldn't at least bring it back in the future. Either way it was a feature we really wanted to do for this event but we sadly had to cut it due to time constraints.