Talon was recently nerfed. His winrate dropped to a staggering 53.5%. Now, this only looks marginally overpowered, but what's important to note is that he has 25,000 games with a 55% winrate on Conqueror, and 25,000 games with a 52% winrate on Electrocute.
In other words, Talon's actual winrate with the correct rune is 55% -- only half of his playerbase taking the wrong rune is dragging his winrate down to 53.5%. Riot mentioned once that Yuumi was significantly stronger than her winrate indicated, because half of her playerbase was still taking the wrong rune, which had a deflated winrate. As people switched from Comet to Aery, her winrate inflated massively.
Riot has already announced their balance targets for next patch, and no assassins are being addressed.
Nocturne mid had to be nerfed and still has nearly a 54% winrate.
Wukong mid also has a 54% winrate.
Kled mid also has a 54% winrate.
Talon mid got nerfed and still has a 55% winrate with the correct rune.
Even Varus is being picked midlane in competitive now to abuse Dirk, and instead of Riot nerfing Dirk & AP assassins, they're just nerfing Varus.
I think that Riot doesn't want to tune Katarina or Diana down, so instead of nerfing the overperforming AP assassins, they just overbuffed dirk. Dirk should not have been buffed to give 10 lethality for 50 gold. It's bleeding out into a host of issues where people are realizing AD champions in every role can rush a Dirk and do absurd damage.
I believe that rather than nerfing champions like Varus, Riot should revert the Dirk buff, and then nerf the AP assassins that are overpowered so that AD assassins can compete with them without needing Dirk to be overtuned. This would ALSO help both classic mages and ADCs feel significantly better to play by toning down a lot of the current early burst in the game.
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