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So normally my build is Trinity Force (40% AS) + Phantom Dance (30% AS) into tank items (also tank boots).

Garen used to spin 1 extra time per 20% bonus attack speed (from items and levels), so on live servers I receive 3 extra spins from this build, but on the PBE hes E is nerfed to 1 extra spin per 25%, so does it mean I only get 2 extra spins for this build or does it round up the 5% and he still spins 3 extra times?

I know you also have to take base attack speed into account. At level 18 he receives 62% bonus attack speed, so total of 132% bonus attack speed, meaning 5 extra spins (6 extra spins on live servers).

But my question is does he really need to reach the round numbers (25%, 50%, 75%, ...) to get the extra spin or does e.g. 70% give him also an extra spin because 70% is closer to 75% than 50%?

If it's calculated on round numbers, going statik shiv insteat of phantom dance becomes worthless (in terms of spins) as soon as he hits level 17: 137% (142% @ lvl18) bonus attack speed or 127% (132% @ lvl18) is both 5 extra spins.

Also if you prefer to go Berseker Greaves for an extra spin, the "left-over" 5% (30%-25%) won't give you an extra spin in any scenario.

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over 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

he rounds down always. its min(floor(Attackspeed/25%), 30) bonus spins