Original Post — Direct link

"Today, I'm stepping away from This or That. I've been dealing with a lot of personal stuff for a while now and this feels like the right call for me at this point. Yes, this is what I really want and 100% yes I'll still be on LCS as soon as it gets going again. Thanks y'all <3"

Good luck Cap, and thanks for your time on the show!


External link β†’
over 4 years ago - /u/Riotkobe - Direct link

Originally posted by CaptainFlowers22

Hey everyone, just wanted to reach out and say thanks to all y'all that sent good vibes my way about the show over the past year. It was a new kinda content for me and took some getting used to so reading how much enjoyment people got out of it was awesome.

For the people who didn't see my followup tweet: No I'm not getting phased out of LCS. I'll be back on the games as soon as coronavirus f**ks off and we get things back to normal. This decision is about me taking care of me. I'm not 100% sure who's gonna take my place, but I have faith the show will go on in style.

I'm really going to miss doing the show with you buddy T.T Especially since we can't hang out at the office or go to the gym right now. I'm always here to talk or play some games though! (I can also fund you in POE pretty soon :P)

over 4 years ago - /u/Pastrytime - Direct link

Originally posted by Blank7045

Cat for Kobe... and Flowers :)


over 4 years ago - /u/fistahcuffs - Direct link

Originally posted by Baconinja13

Hide and seek with Kobe and Phreak conformed?

over 4 years ago - /u/Riotkobe - Direct link

Originally posted by McNutty69

You play POE? Do you stream? What build are you playing?

Doing a strength stacking Cyclone champion atm!

over 4 years ago - /u/Riotkobe - Direct link

Originally posted by BestRolled_Ls

What build are you playing? Need some inspiration πŸ™‚

I made a strength stacking Cyclone champion with Pillar of the caged god for league start since its basically a free weapon!

over 4 years ago - /u/Riotkobe - Direct link

Originally posted by WillVB

Watcha running this league Kobe?

I made a strength stacking Cyclone champion with Pillar of the caged god for league start since its basically a free weapon!

over 4 years ago - /u/Riotkobe - Direct link

Originally posted by Megaf0rce

What build are you rolling to not get obliterated by Delirium?

I made a strength stacking Cyclone champion with Pillar of the caged god for league start since its basically a free weapon!

over 4 years ago - /u/Riotkobe - Direct link

Originally posted by disarray5

What build are you running in POE, Kobe?

I made a strength stacking Cyclone champion with Pillar of the caged god for league start since its basically a free weapon!

over 4 years ago - /u/Riotkobe - Direct link

Originally posted by ILoveButts420

What is your starter build for delirium?

I made a strength stacking Cyclone champion with Pillar of the caged god for league start since its basically a free weapon!