Just quick post here friends,
I really like to play scaling champs, but
if you, who's reading this right now, are one of these people, who think a game going 0:6 during first 10mins is lost and cant be won, no matter what you do, PLEASE! If you value the early game SO MUCH, then why are you not picking HYPER early game LANE bully stompers?!
I see people picking Kassadin mid, one of THE late game scaling gods of mid lane, losing their early - "go next"...
WTF?!?!?! Why do you pick a late game champ, only to give up after a lost early? Pick Pantheon, Renekton, whatever if its so important and game deciding for you what happens in the first 10mins!
You dont want to pick super early game bullies? Then STOP your "go next" mentality - it makes no sense! Its a paradox, complaining about early, but no playing for the early with your pick. You either pick late and PLAY FOR THE LATE, or you dont! If "go next" is so powerful, pick early game!
It's insane how every 2nd defeat this week is 1 guy giving it up and stop trying to win, because the early didnt go PERFECTLY.
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