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I decided to make a new account so I could reset my mmr and climb with friends. I'm typically a low plat player, but my friends are all around silver (and climbing), so I can never play ranked with them and that's all they really want to play. (Let me preface this by saying I am absolutely not a 1v9-monster-hyper-carry-yasuo-only-sweat-monster-goofy-goober-supreme, so I don't think I'll tragically impact anyone at lower elo).

Anyhow, I made this new account and within a few games I got tossed into the "smurf queue". They recognized that I am a seasoned player, tossed my mmr out the window, and threw me into this disgusting queue. I don't understand the purpose of smurf queue and it's honestly making my time leveling this account unbearable. I can't understand why they wouldn't just use a normal mmr system after level 10 (when you unlock runes and all summoners) to set up games. Games are made up of literally anyone who is a "smurf". I played in a game yesterday with a gold adc, and a challenger midlaner on the other team. Just now, I played with a grandmaster yasuo on my team. Clearly there is no attention to mmr AT ALL in this warped queue.

So Riot, why not just use your normal mmr system for new accounts? The worst would fall to the bottom and the best would climb to the top. Everyone else would smear the middle. It's the system you already have in place with normal accounts. I'm about to give up on this account because the games are so utterly inconsistent and intolerable.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Wait... You're smurfing and are complaining that the game has identified you as such and now you need to play against other Smurfs?

This is an interesting one!

about 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by CyberPete3

My intention isn't to sit at low elo and smurf. I wanted a new account so I could reset and climb with friends. My question is why you ignore the normal mmr system on low level accounts, and instead throw a blanket "smurf" tag on ALL of the accounts. Every game has people from literally gold up to challenger. That seems ridiculous, no?

They're on their way up, too. They just need to smash you in your game then they'll jump 200 MMR and face plays etc.

How do you know they're challenger, btw?