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Seriously it's kind of annoying to always check timezones and add a day to event dates because Riot thinks NA is their only region. Why can't Riot just release stuff separately for every Server? I was hyped for URF but now I gotta wait one more day :/

Edit: I phrased it badly. My complaint is not that we have half a day less of event times and we get stuff a lot later due to the time. My problem is the fact that Riot doesn't care about giving out the necessary information. I know so many people that read "URF on 28th" and took a day off. The misadvertising is the problem here.

Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/do62ht/why_does_riot_release_everthing_in_na_time_now/f5kr2sz/ check this comment made by /u/vandirilol There you can see the misadvertising. Even the german page says 28th without any timezone indication.

Edit: https://countingdownto.com/?c=2705003 Countdown for URF.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

One of the main reasons is so there is full staff available to triage and solve emergent issues as they come up after release.

We test and validate the best we can internally but we’re far from perfect and operate at a scale that is very different from the scale of our internal tests.

Acknowledge that this isn’t the best for everyone in every region, but we think it’s important to prioritize the quality of releases until we can get to a consistent level of quality and reduction in issues for releasing content.

Once that improves over time and we develop our tools further, we’ll be re-examining release times across all regions.

Until then we’ll continue to by default release things in the middle of the day in NA. (With some exceptions)