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This sh*t is making me so angry, man. The game holds your hand with everything now. Clear these jungle camps, take these abilities, do this do that. Just let me f*cking play the game man. In a few years you probably won't get to even actually play anymore, every match will just be a visual novel where you get to choose from 3 different options every game.

Just let me turn this handholding bullsh*t off, please. Where is the option to turn off these blinking level up icons? I can't find it anywhere.

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over 2 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

/u/GalaxySmash confirmed to me that you can turn off ALL the new recommended stuff.

But Galaxy never specified where, maybe he can help.

Should be under Interface -> Ability and Attack Display -> Show Spell Recommendations