I had a tour of the Esports facility back in summer of 2019. Each team had a room with a door painted with their logo. G2 Had a door... I also think Misfits had one as well.
I had a tour of the Esports facility back in summer of 2019. Each team had a room with a door painted with their logo. G2 Had a door... I also think Misfits had one as well.
Those were left over from Rift Rivals - I think they’re still up
EU is dead was a popular meme at that point and it was for a very good reason
the broadcast being "not good" due to it having to be produced from NA
Riot EU seemingly not having any form of autonomy to decide anything
the prospect of "EU franchising" being a 4 different region league instead of a single league (some based in UK, others in spain iirc)
and the very bleak ways EU teams had to go and look for sponsors due to how fractured "the market" was compared to NA
maybe someone else can explain this point better but it was something along the lines of EU teams having to go to a sub branch of a company and that sub branch wouldn't have access to the entire "sponsor budged", and the different languages probably didn't make it easier
that and while FNC (more importantly Caps) did really well at MSI, EU somehow completely botched rift rivals after going in incredibly cocky saying stuff that FNC and UOL wouldn't drop a single game or something along those lines and most people really seemed to believe that it was only a matter of time before EU was "dead"
funny how that went
On point analysis