We're pulling runaans and Galio from the patch due to some unforseen issues
Passes this patch to bring some items up to viability (sunfire, heartsteel, dream maker, celestial)
we're still undecided on navori
we're also throwing in some minor changes to Lich bane, rocketbelt and Stormsurge to balance these sub ecosystems
Sleigh was over buffed and FH is a little too cheap for how strong it is right now
- he's struggled to keep up after Shojin changes.
he's both struggling and buying glass cannon builds
looking to bring him back onto some less squishy builds
Kog, Sivir
both of these Champs have been sad for a while.
kog didn't benefit from terminus buffs much as he builds it later
we didn't go hard enough last patch trying to strike the fine line between not over nerfing AP TF who is less powerful
trying to find the set of changes that thread the needle between the 3 roles he's being played in right now at various skill brackets
intention is to keep AD TF good, but not overly so
Vayne, Senna
senna is performing too well in both pro and solo q (especially the adc role)
vayne is performing well in both top and adc and has been on the strong side for a while (but not strong enough to be explicitly nerfed), so we're nerfing her for staleness
- following up on her weak release from this patch, continuing to fix a bunch of her bugs
Veigar, vex
these v mages have both been on the weak side for a while
for veigar, everfrost loss has been pretty sad so we're giving him some love
vex has been sad after the durability increases recently as she's struggling to reset (14.2 especially), so bringing her up a bit
- our changes recently didn't quite hit the mark, so we're taking a second look at his top without buffing jungle too much
Brand, Evelynn, Nidalee
brand and Evelynn have both been strong and stale for a while (Evelynn more so).
for one of the sharpest mastery curve champions in the game, Evelynn should probably live a little lower
nidalee was a bit over buffed in our recent changes
top has been picking up popularity, is strong in lower mmrs and with the buffs to sunfire is likely to go over the top
tapping down his top while trying to go neutral on jungle
- another higher than expected mastery champion sitting over average winrate means she's probably a bit stronger than she should be. Tapping her down slightly with both a power impacting bugfix and a nerf
- trying to correct how powerful her bot is which has been exacerbated with the 14.2 changes
- smolder has been really popular and about balanced. We're not looking to reshape him significantly, but reduce how effective his tankier builds are, make his e matter more and increasing the sweet spot and heal on the ultimate so they matter
- he gained a bit too much from our previous changes, looking to bring him down a bit while reducing how effective aoe vs single target damage is against maiden
our nerfs last patch didn't land, because solstice also overshot a bit
bringing sleigh down and nerfing Mao a bit each (both are quite over)
buffs to nasus, Mundo, camille, naafiri
nerfs to renekton illaoi, Zac (nerfed a little less, due to SR nerf), lulu, karma
Sorry I cannot do my usual formatting for these things, you'll just have to use the link for now. I will add it in when I'm able.
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