Hello, I've been maining Gwen ever since she came out. I've been playing league for over 4 years, but Gwen was the first champion that I truly resonated with. I love every aspect of her kit and I don't think I will ever be able to find a new main, but my enjoyment of the game has unfortunately been tainted due to pro play.
Per u.gg, Gwen is currently at a 45.77% wr in plat+ across almost 16.000 games in the toplane, her INTENDED role, due to the E range nerf. I don't think it's fair to say it's due to her difficulty, considering that champions such as Akali, Lee Sin, Irelia and Qiyana are also pretty difficult to master while retaining higher winrates with considerably larger pick rates.
Even when looking at Gwen's winrate in higher elos, she can't even reach a 48% wr. So what gives? Will she be left to rot indefinitely for 99.999% of the playerbase due to the extremely small subset of players that can make her work?
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