So Vedius, would you not agree that it isn't only about having strong solo laners but also about understanding of where you are strong on the map and playing towards that? And isn't Vitality a team that is notoriously stubborn and usually has a very liniar "win condition" (namely having pressure around top lane). I can name you a few crucial mistakes that Vitality has that would prevent them from entering my top 4.
1: They are a terible baron team (I think you understand what I am revering to)
2: Vitality has strong players, play on the same page with each other, but have very poor macro (mostly revering to playing towards the win condition their comp was drafted for and playing out a teamcomp properly).
3: The other good teams (like Origen and Fnatic) have a stronger understanding of their win conditions and what to do with leads or how where to use their strong side when behind.
Those are some (very generic and not to detailed) reasons I think Vitality has to be below Fnatic and Origen at least.