The Anivia auto attack buff was one of the things I was looking forward the most, and it already got reverted lol
The Anivia auto attack buff was one of the things I was looking forward the most, and it already got reverted lol
It's not reverted. Must be something funky going on—wall is reverted because of visual issues with some of the skins at non-100 increments (since that's the size of a wall chunk), and the rest is all going through with minor tweaks if anything.
Edit: Just tested on PBE as well. Seems like the change is correctly still in, not sure what's up there.
Good to know. Thank you for the info!
No problem. Sorry for any confusion or alarm! This could have happened when I fixed a bug yesterday where her crit anim was still slow—but it's still working fine for me locally. QA is hunting it down as we speak.
Why aren’t jinx and sivir being buffed they have been sitting at a below 47% WR for far too long now lol:(
We expect some of the systems changes here to favor them. The lethality marksmen are suppressing them somewhat and some of their items are getting buffed (Essence Reaver for Sivir, Zeal items + Zeal itself for Jinx). Still talking about the best path forward for Runaan's, which obviously will affect Jinx heavily, though Phantom Dancer is very likely to be a better second item on her next patch (it's very close already, when you account for the inflated winrate data on Runaan's from being an expensive item—similar to how Deathcap has always had very high winrates in slots where it wasn't actually particularly powerful).
Basically, if a champion isn't way out of whack and we still expect to be doing systems work in the very near future on things they buy, we're going to prioritize the systems to avoid e.g. buffing Jinx, then buffing her items, then nerfing Jinx again. The goal is to get to stable as quickly as possible, and we're paying close attention to marksman items right now. FWIW, I agree Sivir and Jinx are weak right now but Sivir is closer to 48 and Jinx is around 49.
My apologies for some champions getting the short end of the stick here. It's pretty much bound to happen with changes of this scope, but I think we all agree that it'd be great if we could either land it perfectly or instantly fix it all in one fell swoop. We're moving as quickly as we responsibly can, thanks for staying with us.
Amazing replies I’m about to follow you on Twitter. You really don’t have to cater to all these people whining about buffs, but you still do! Thanks for being so active in the community!
<3 Unfortunately, I'm quite inactive on Twitter for the last year. I do hope to try again sometime soon, because it's so good for disseminating information more broadly, but I've found it pretty bad for my mental health in the past. I'm much more comfortable being able to insert myself into smaller conversations like this, because I feel like I should reply to everyone, which gets exhausting quickly on a platform like Twitter.