TL;DR: I made a Google Spreadsheet that allows you to pick the characters you play, and generates tables that display how those champions synergize with different team composition types (and even suggests bans that are strong against those team compositions ranked in tier list order)!
Hey guys!
Over the past few months, my friends and I have been assembling to **Actually Improve at League of Legends******TM and play some scary ranked games together.
Recently, one of them decided to put together a Google Sheets file that we could all edit together, with the intention that we would write down which characters we feel proficient at, and try to maybe collaborate on team composition ideas.
Sure, there's a million better tools and a million other resources, but I work in Google Sheets a lot at my new job and had a lot of ideas...So a week and many many google searches and lots of trial-and-error later, I've put together this document.
The main tab: \"Champ Competency Sheet\"
- Go to the link and choose File -> "Make a copy" to save to your own Google Drive
- Open & navigate to the first tab: "Champ Competency Sheet"
- Choose your role ("Top-Laner", "Jungler", etc) in the corresponding heading on the big table with all the drop-down menus and replace that text with your name.
- Scroll down the table and choose the champions you place and assign a "competency" rating ("High", "Medium", "Low", or "Interested") using the drop-down menus
- Violà! View all of the sorted data in the next tab: "Team Composition Data Results"!
Or if your name is \"Top-Laner\", you can just leave it. Unless you main mid.
Once you've selected the characters you play, the second tab, "Team Composition Data Results", will automatically sort that information into team composition tables that rank your picks based on synergy.
Hopefully the colors mostly make sense. There's basically 3 types of rules that this table searches for to sort information & apply condition formatting (i.e. color-coding):
- Competency Rating: High, Medium, Low, and Interested. Hopefully, these are self-explanatory.
- Tier List Rankings: S Tier, A Tier, B Tier, and [Unranked]. If you disagree with or want to edit any of the tier list standings here, you can go to the "Champion Tier List" tab and use the drop-down menus to change any of the rankings. When you do, all of the other cells that use tier list information will be automatically updated!
- Team Synergy Rating: S Rank, A Rank, B Rank, C Rank, and D Rank. These rankings can be found by expanding the group (the + icon) on the "Champ Competency Sheet" tab above Column C.
EDIT: As requested by u/I_Ild_I, you can now check off specific characters in the "Team Composition Data Results" tab to build & customize comps a bit more cleanly. Hooray!
The last two tabs are "Goals" and "Definitions". These are hopefully self-explanatory, and I've included some tips & samples.
Isn't there a more economical way to do this than to create a gigantic table that expands 55 columns to the right of the main tab so that every other sheet can point to the information that's collected on it?
I want to add another member to the team, like a 6th rotating team member. How easy would it be to add one more column that generates info to the other tabs?
Uh...... (unfortunately not very easy with the way I have this set up due to how I did the conditional formatting sorry not that pro yet)
Wait, did you apply a unique conditional formatting rule to every single column?
Have you ever heard of [,,,,, etc]
No. Why, should I be using them?
Thanks for reading, I hope someone might find this fun or useful in some way!
External link →