I'm aware that Eternals are controversial in general -- some players like the idea, some hate it, some like it but feel they should be free, and so on. While these are valid opinions, this post is aiming to address another issue.
If I get an Eternal, it's because I want to see my success. The current design does NOT suffice for that.
This is due to one major factor:
- After completing your final Milestone, future updates are for your personal best.
This sounds great, but it means that seeing an Eternal becomes a rare sight, and heavily skewed towards long games. A Nasus player who had one 50 minute game is unlikely to ever see that Eternal pop up a "Nice Job!" ever again.
Players who purchase Eternals are those who are interested in the in-game feedback and the stat-tracking, and want to see the Eternal tracking good play.
As such, the in-game Eternal system should probably be adjusted in one of two ways (or both):
- Display your personal best at various breakpoints. Instead of just "best of all time," include breakpoints like "best before 10 minutes" or "best by level 16". This will help players see displays more.
- Display flair at specific breakpoints in-game, using some combination of player-selected, built-in, time-based, or based-on-player-average analytics. As a Nasus player, it would be cool to see a pop-up if I break 500 bonus Q damage by 20 minutes, or an MF pop-up if I get enough Double-Up procs in a given game.
In short, Riot is asking players to pay for stat-tracking and in-game recognition of their success. If Riot wants players to do this, they should make that in-game recognition remain constant, not vanish once the player has achieved enough milestones. Without this, the design of Eternals fails to retain value for the precise demographic that it is designed to target.
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