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Look at this farce

I think it's unfair that the same few champions keep getting into prestigious battle schools, academies, assassination classrooms while champions who ACTUALLY need an education are left on the wayside.

Good lord, Rek'sai has been out for like 5 years and she still doesn't know how to read or write. Think how embarrassed you would be: you're a Void queen, yet you can't terrorize any cities because you're unable to read the road markings.

Gnar can barely speak Runeterra's common language and is growing up orphaned in a different time period.

Jhin can't even count up to 5

And Dr. Mundo? Who even certified him?

There's so many champions who are in a position where learning would greatly benefit them, and yet all the school slots are crammed full of prodigies and geniuses. They are perfectly willing to hire an ex-con as a teacher (and that's great) but refuse to give a Void monster their shot at an education. Ezreal looks like that blond asshole from the Ugly Dolls trailer lmao. How many of these dudes are on the "shonen school rowing team?"

Stop being aimlessly angry about the skin line and get angry for a REASON.

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about 5 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link