I mean no disrespect to the community because it's a small portion.
But I am a bit annoyed at seeing ''there is way too many inters and toxic people not get punished'' and then see a Tarzaned, Hashinshin or dom thread.
Like, what do you expect to happen?
When Hashinshin tells rioters to go f*ck/kill themselves and a Rioter comes and says ''Oh hey sorry you are down, whatsup what are your opinions on the game?''
How about don't f*cking give him acknowledgement? Kids get beat when they are 6 for doing that sh*t, this is a grown ass man. And I get it, streaming / league makes you toxic when you lose yes I do it too.
But why are we actively engaging with the toxic sh*t? Just drop it.
How many videos I see of streamers just Int / run it down / be absolutely toxic to others in a way that is not ok and they stay getting promoted.
Also this isn't a jab at hash, this is so many streamers. Tyler is a perfect example and I'm sorry for the people that watch him but it's the truth.
These people influence your game. Everytime a streamer runs it down or acts like an absolute asshole, it impacts your games. The audience soaks it in and thinks its okay and repeats it.
Hint : Most players are silver to gold, so it heavily influences silver to gold players while hitting plat and diamond too.
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