Original Post — Direct link

Hello I'm a Challanger Euw otp Ahri and have 1.4 million points on her.

And i recentry made a guide on how to play her, I'm happy to answer question about Matchup items runes etc..

proof: https://gyazo.com/4c3079d66e8382f14ecaf0c8262723f4

op.gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=stg+peng+15

My Ahri guide: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/9-17-challenger-ahri-guide-otp-ahri-with-1-3-milion-ahri-p-554964

I stream everyday at https://www.twitch.tv/stgahri

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about 5 years ago - /u/ThuggInUggs - Direct link

Originally posted by StgAhri14

Ask riot why is the champ so unfair magic sheild aoe sheild copy my ult have 4 dash i have 3 so i cant even dash away

Just git gud kid. Oh wait. sh*t. I'll see myself out