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For those of you who just want to look at my op.gg and just go "but muh kda", I am not a kda player. I also went even or won lane in most of these games. Unfortunately it's impossible to maintain any sort of kda when all the enemy team's carries have 10 kills by 15 min.

Here's what happened. I climbed to plat with a 74% win rate. I was plat 4 1 lp with a record of 20 wins and 7 losses. As soon as I got to plat, every single team I have been on has gotten completely decimated. This happening EIGHT times in a row is not realistic. The only reason I have a win among those 8 games is because the enemy team punted and we were able to steal a game. It is so beyond obvious that I am intentionally being given bad teammates so that my winrate falls closer to 50%. See that Vex in my second to last game? Silver 1, 39% winrate. In a game with gold 1 and plat 4 players. Definitely nothing going on there. She got stomped by a Yorick mid btw.

And to those of you who want to say "oh you think Riot is targeting you specifically?" No dipsh*t, of course I'm not the only player this happens to. If you play solo queue and you're below diamond, this has 100% happened to you at some point, probably multiple times per season. Fortunately for high elo players, the matchmaking is significantly harder to rig since for the most part everyone is competent and the pool of players is much smaller.

To those of you who want to say "oh your mmr is high so of course you're going to get matched against better players". That's the opposite of what's happening! The enemy team is still the same elo. It's my teammates that are just awful. Just constant autofills and people with dogsh*t winrates, like that's just not how you should be operating a matchmaking system, it's completely unfair and these games aren't reflective of my skill level at all.

I legitimately have no clue how players on this sub continue to deny that this is happening. Are you being willfully ignorant? The evidence is literally right in front of your eyes. It's probably happened to you many times! Like I don't understand what more you could want.

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about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by AdElectronic8214

Except matchmaking algorithm is based on EOMM, behavioral score, and MMR.

It's not like flipping a coin.

Matchmaking knows within a 95% confidence interval which team is going to win and which team is going to lose.

When matchmaking makes a team with 2 duo pairs, 3-4 divisions higher, and all 60%+ w/r, and are all on 3+ game win streaks, while your team has no duo pairs, has players 2-3 divisions lower, and all are sub 45% w/r, and are all on 2+ game loss streaks, then the matchmaking system intentionally put you on the disadvantaged team.

If your match making is like this 8 games in a row, you are in loser's queue. It's not a coin flip. It's intentional.


Except matchmaking algorithm is based on EOMM, behavioral score, and MMR.

Just MMR, and modifications to MMR to balance for things like premades & red/blue side advantage. Matchmaking doesn't look at winrates or streaks.