I really do not want to see the item stats or damage mitigation nerfed, as for the first time in about 8 seasons immobile champions actually have some counterplay to the most popular champs and variety in their builds!
However, I also don’t want to see it just be a katarina 1v9 bs item.
That’s why I thought of the nerf to have the passive deactivated and put on cooldown by mobility so that these champions not meant to use it don’t get it. However nothing like this is in the game afaik, and I’m wondering if that’s maybe for a reason lol
If you disagree, please elaborate. I don’t understand the game well I just sit under tower and spam q. I want thoughts not “no this is stupid i like yasuo”
EDIT: It has come up often, so to save me some replies - there should be emphasis on the 'if' and 'abused' in the title. I haven't even seen it being used by the champions I am inferring about being op; just going off what I've heard around. i am perfectly fine if these champions get to use the item fairly as well, especially as in combat mages can poke the passive off them way easier than vice-versa. The thing I was trying to avoid with this suggestions was just the item being gutted as a result of a couple silly edge case abuses
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