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10 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

She's getting nerfed next patch.

Two reasons for the delay:

First, we would have nerfed her a couple patches ago, but we just went after Zaz'Zak's and Mandate, which are core to her most-performant builds. Reddit likes to call this the "Riot special." So we didn't nerf her that patch. Then it was MSI patch so we elected to wait two weeks because hey maybe we see a Janna game at MSI, that'd be neat.

Second, there are always champions that we "know" are OP but players don't. Poppy is currently an extremely high-performing support but her pick rate is under 1%. One day players will learn and then we'll act. Maokai was like this last year and then players caught on this year. Janna was in that state for a while.