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"The critical strike chance changes dynamically depending on the number of basic attack that didn't critically strike. For example, if you have a 30% critical strike chance you guaranteed to have 30 or more attacks that critically strike per 100 attacks. If you don't critically strike for a long time your next attacks have a higher chance of critically strkining."

Direct Quote Credit leagueoflegends.fandom

The reason this is important, with crit based champions, is the more minions in a row that you go without a critical hit. The higher the theoretical chance, that if you choose to risk engaging in a trade with your lane opponent(s), you will crit and easily win the trade or even get a kill. This works even with a small amount of crit chance.

Edit: Further evidence by a study posted on doranslab.gg

The Critical Strike Algorithm

By Justin D. - September 20, 2020

External link →
over 4 years ago - /u/Reinboom - Direct link

Originally posted by Battlemagi

Interesting, yeah and as far as the information I have found goes, it still works

Focused testing won't arrive at quite the rules at play, though /u/DoransLab 's work is delightful to look at where it gets close enough in some parts :) . Both who you target with your attacks is important, and what other actions are occurring is important.

Most pertinently for the minion-champion swapping: It doesn't reset your current crit tracking value. Instead, there are two values: one tracked for "vs champions" and one tracked for "vs minions". So you can't build up against minions for usage against champions.

If the actual solution is discovered though, as a caution, that would be a significant prompt for us to change it. :P