Hey y’all! TL;DR at the bottom, and a TL;DR of the TL;DR below that also I hope the formatting looks somewhat decent.
Over the past couple days, I have been filling my spare time with some extremely basic statistical analysis of Season 9’s top ADC players in NA, LP-wise.
I will preface my findings by stating that these stats are highly parameterized; there are numerous factors that I am unable to account for at the time. Some of these variables are:
percentage of time played with a duo partner
time of day played (perhaps there are more competitive periods of gameplay)
friendly/enemy jungle pressure
friendly/enemy support pick
streaming/not streaming
plenty more
Additionally, I understand that Solo Queue doesn't directly translate to Professional Performance. I don't aim to analyze how great these players would be on a team, but just to scratch the surface of their S9 stats.
That all being said, as Season 10 approaches, I anticipate that I will be able to keep more intensive stats upon NA’s top players of all roles. Currently, I aim on keeping tabs on the top 100 players in each role, but I digress from the main focus on this post.
At the end of Season 9, the top 25 ADC mains, based upon ladder ranking were:
Johnsun (John5un, Johnsun1, Johnsun, Johnsun2020) (Ending LP:1393, 1168, 1096, 1093, respectively)
Sophist Sage (Ending LP: 1353)
ADCADC123 (Ending LP: 1145)
MasH 2020 (Ending LP: 1119)
Asyc (Ending LP: 1013)
ALTEC666 (Ending LP: 1003)
TSM Tactical (T4ctical) (Ending LP: 1002)
dog2 (Ending LP: 959)
ignorant iguana (Ending LP: 952)
Imaqtpie (Ending LP: 847)
100 Prismal (Ending LP: 844)
Benji (Benji1, Benjil0l) (Ending LP: 826)
Tomo9 (Ending LP: 788)
JustinOtter (Ending LP: 780)
Humzh (Ending LP: 780)
10 lQ Player (Ending LP: 784)
Cody Pog (Ending LP: 774)
Andybendy (Ending LP: 754)
Value (Value, VALUE247, Va1ue) (Ending LP: 754)
BillyBobJew (Ending LP: 752)
Korean16yearold (Ending LP: 751)
TTV Avrilx (Ending LP: 725)
Spawwwwn (Ending LP: 725)
Disconnector (Ending LP: 725)
CoreTienZ (Ending LP: 705)
Truly, being a part of the top 25 players of a given role within a region is an incredible achievement in itself; however, how do these players stack up against each other?
In regards to the table
Green indicates value > than Top 25 Average, Red indicates the opposite. The colors should not be perceived as a measurement of the caliber of player relative to the entire league populous; rather, they should show how the top 25 ADCs stack up against each other.
Underline indicates value is > 1 Standard Deviation from Top 25 Average
Bold + Underline indicates value is >2 Standard Deviations from Top 25 Average
Doublelift’s Season 9 Data has been added for fun; I understand these stats do not factor in the impacts of streaming, daily practices/scrims, etc.
I have not performed a G-test upon these data, although I suspect that Humzh and 10 LQ Player would be susceptible towards removal from this set.
TL;DR: Interesting Findings
For starts, Johnsun is good at solo queue… like, really good. If you find Johnsun in a match at his average MMR and he is not autofilled, he will probably drop a >4.0 KDA on your ass within a pool of 22 champs. His data are not just inflated stats like your Plat 2 friend who has a 74% WR on his Nunu Jungle over 23 games; Johnsun has maintained this amazing 4.0 standard over 1500 games over his top four accounts. Seriously, as I keep on looking back on his stats for specific champs, the man is a f*cking BEAST. 4.3 KDA over 236 games on Kaisa, 4.4 KDA over 136 games as Sivir, 4.9 KDA over nearly 200 games as Tristana, and 5.7 KDA over 67 games on Ashe. If you're high elo and playing against Johnsun, just dodge.
People have been sh*tting on FlyQuest for picking up Mash for the 2020 season, but fail to recognize that he has an argument for the best solo queue ADC in S9. Mash is the only ADC within the top 25 to have both his WR and Weighted KDA be a standard deviation above the other 25 top ADCs.
All of the players who are above-average in both WR and Weighted KDA amongst the top 25 AD mains are on a team; DIG Johnsun, FLY Mash, IMT Altec, TSM Tactical. The closest competitors, Sophist Sage and Disconnector are not on LCS Teams or Academies, but rather are listed as university players on Leaguepedia (St. Louis College of Pharmacy and GVU, respectively).
Humzh and 10 LQ Player have outrageous win rates, and both are Draven players. The vast majority of their overall games played are on Draven, with Humzh boasting a 76% WR on the champ, and 10 LQ Player having a 74%. Additionally, the KDA’s of their Dravens are pretty close, with Humzh having a 3.19 over 242 games, and 10 LQ Player having a 2.89 over 178 games. Perhaps these players are the same person, but whoever they/it is, they play a successful Draven.
BillyBobJew plays a f*cking mean Jhin. 731 games on the man, and a 4.02 KDA over those games. He's like Johnsun, but on Jhin.
Asyc is a f*cking homie. About a year ago, he asked someone to post the "Hail Hydra" Three-Headed Dick spam in a twitch chat to see if Nightbot would catch it. Naturally, I posted it, and consequently got perma'd on that channel. Asyc, being a mod on that channel, swiftly unbanned me. I don't know why I find that relevant to his impressive season, but it was the bee's knees nonetheless.
Imaqtpie has a 71% WR on Heimerdinger. The boomer is raising his donger once again.
Cody Sun is 16-3 on his Twitch, which rounds him out at a 84% WR. Although the game count is low, it is relatively high for the other observed players in regards to overall Twitch gameplay. Only one Twitch main was found on this list, and it is JustinOtter, who boasts a 54% WR on Twitch over 210 games while maintaining a 2.71 KDA on the champ.
This data doesn't tell you much, just numbers to look at and make fun, loosely-statistical inferences about SOLO QUEUE
Johnsun good
Reddit analysts hate Mash but Mash good
someone hire Sophist Sage and Disconnector
Humzh and 10 LQ Player = Draven Gods. Same person?
BillyBobJew has four syllables. Jhin fires four bullets. Coincidence?
Asyc gamer
"It was me, I dealt it!" - Cody Poggers, probably.
If there are any stats or roles you want me to look at, I'd be glad to do it! I have toyed around with the idea of doing a comparison between the top players regionally, although I do not know what kind of statistical analysis can be done on such different environments. I thoroughly enjoy this sort of stuff, and hope to get more in-depth analysis as Season 10 begins. As I progress through the Top 100 NA ADCs, I anticipate on posting more of these types of things, so once again, let me know!
some edits have been made for formatting, my bad fellas. Also, as I look back on the data, I keep adding little interesting tidbits. These are all insane players, and each of them have a cool stat about them.
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