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2 days ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by cutlerymaster

Doesn't the current mythic shop cause each skin to increase in price every time it rotates through? If that is still the case the mythic shop update will cause them to increase even more.

I am assuming all skins are set at a 150 mythic essence price going by the pic from the article.

We actually killed that whole price increasing system awhile back. It wasn't clear to you and it was hard for us to track it and keep it accurate. All Prestige skins in the shop are just 150 ME now and the price doesn't change.

2 days ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by cutlerymaster

Cool, I'll probably get the volibear one when it's available. I already have daddy Swain and Warwick.

I grabbed Voli's on his last rotation in the shop and I think it's at least my favorite that I own so far. The ult form is chefs kiss

2 days ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by yestheryak

Does this affect the pool of what sort of "accessories" are available (like real old events), or is it just content that's been in the mythic shop before? Will Riot put out a list of what content is in these category pools?

So it's the content that was in it before, and we added some of the old event chromas into it. We're working on adding some of the icons that were associated to them too.

We're looking for suggestions on what all past content we should bring into it so would love to know what you want to see specifically!

I don't know if we could easily present a list of what all content is available in each pool, but I'll definitely take that ask back to the team.

2 days ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

I like the main points but dislike how the top content covers most of the ui so you can only see 4 items at most at the same time.

You should be able to see a bit more than that when it's live in client. Probably my bad for not having the best pictures to show it off.

Let me know what you think when it's live in the client and if that thought/feeling is still true.