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Hn2bWrL0tPy8Q <-- This name was marked by Riot's filter as inappropiate, which seems hilarious.

Or maybe it is offensive but i dont understand it (other language), if so, can u translate it or part of it into english?

Screenshots are from EUNE server, u can check it on your servers if u dont believe me (maybe it will work on other servers).

I'm a bit confused, can somebody explain this?


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almost 6 years ago - /u/Riot_Gehirn - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

So every Player I’ve seen with Riot in their username are actually rioters ?

I thought someone just paid for a name change because he was bronze 1

Correct. Can confirm that the "are you really Riot?" questions are redundant. Also, most Rioters don't have Riot in their name so no doubt you've played with some without knowing it.