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hey Ive been trying to complete the quests for the new HoL pass against A.I cuz I just cant be asked to play jungle in a normal game to get 200 farm but it doesnt seen to count towards the progress. In the past vs A.I counted towards quest progress so idk why it is different not. Is that only a me specific problem or did they change it for this event only?

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9 months ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by chiyonaxi

I was also confused, but let me tell you, it does work as it doesn't say "PvP only". For most of the people it's bugged. I've completed the triple kill mission vs bots and after a 2-3h delay it disappeared and I got the 2500xp. I finished the rest of the missions as well (except the premade team one), but it didnt show the progress. I've been waiting for like 15 hours.. No customer support response either!
I haven't seen Riot talk about it tho.. or notifying people in the client about the issue.

I'm afraid not. The primary objective only progresses in PVP games. The secondary objective does however progress in Coop vs AI