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I think starting URF at level 3 would make for a less snowball-y, less frustrating player experience.


Right now, the overwhelming meta seems to be 5v5 battle royale top lane, then 2-1-2 lane assignments when minions spawn. I like the idea of dueling with incomplete tools, the kind of "fight with what you have" way normal SR invades feel, but it also lives in a completely different balance area. Some characters like Qiyana are overwhelmingly useless at level 1, while others like Blitzcrank and Nidalee are oppressive. URF already has its own discrete meta, and URF level one power level meta is completely separate from the main URF balancing which places a couple degrees more of a knowledge burden on players for a rotating game mode.


The issue is: invades in SR are optional, with teams deciding when and how based on their assumed strength. When you decide to go for it, they're carried out in this little tactical guerilla units squirreling around corridors, leaving traps, retreating when things go sideways. EVERY game I've played of URF has started with this massive dogpile top lane, full collision regardless of the power differential. There's not a ton of space to try to debate the strengths or caution people off, and anyway URF completely distorts our perception of relative power levels. I end up repeating this scenario where, even if my character would be better off turret hugging, it's still a better outcome for me if I join the fight they've already started.


Immediately after, there this awkward transition from Battle Royale top to lane where we're stuck with whatever we leveled up first for 2-3 minutes. Sometimes, you're left deciding between two bad decisions. Sona M4A W is lifechanging in a level 1 teamfight, but then you're stuck in a lane with an even less interactive version of herself. Skilling Q is more fun and lets you play around with threat ranges while you try to poke, but it might end up hurting your team and snowballing the entire game away.


URF already snowballs incredibly quickly, and having 3 abilities available off the bat would make pre-three minute kill stats skyrocket, but you'd also be left with tools to cope with the new game state and have more choices to make. I just played a Lillia game where my lane partner was a Malphite and the enemy laners were a Swain and Sona with 5 kills between them. I'd started Swirlseed for the top lane nonsense, which normally would have let me stay back and farm safely, but Swain started E and there was no room to maneuver. Without Q, I couldn't leave lane to farm jungle camps, or try to force an all-in before their healing became out of control.


I think players should still be able to scrap it out top lane, and should still be able to snowball a winning first few minutes into a victory. I still want to preserve that power fantasy of walking into lane with 3 kills and 10 assists. But there need to be more tools to help the losers cope with that state. "Unfair" doesn't have to mean "frustrating", as long as players are empowered to make their own decisions. I don't mind losing, but I prefer to lose in my own way.


I love URF as much for the newness as the power fantasy. There's a shelf life on how long a game with cheat codes unlocked can be fun, but URF gives you space to test out characters in a new dimension, and try to find your own, individualized optimizations and solutions. Even though it's an intentionally dysfunctional fun game mode, I think there's still space to improve and iterate.

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over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Hello! A little late to this thread so this comment might be buried, but some thoughts (as a designer on Modes team) -

I'm not convinced starting champions at level 3 would solve this issue. You correctly point out that people would probably still go top lane and scrap it out. I think a group of level 3 champions doing this is worse for a couple of reasons:

  • Since all champions can combo, the top lane fight would have much higher lethality
  • Higher level champions are worth more experience, so the winners of that fight would have a much bigger advantage
  • You can argue that, if starting at level 3, the losing team has more tools to escape their disadvantage. However, this same argument applies to the winning team - they are also higher level and much more dangerous, so they'd be better at pressing their advantage.

I agree that the toplane pileup sometimes puts you in a bad situation, like starting E on Lillia rather than Q. Those fights also have a completely unique texture that you can't get anywhere else in League, so I'd be a little sad to get rid of it.

FWIW in my experience that fight very rarely decides the game, and I've had some success in convincing my team not to go up there if I think we will lose (usually by not going there myself and spam pinging danger). It's also worth mentioning that nothing is forcing people to fight like that - they do it because it's fun and braindead fighting is kinda what URF is all about.

If we're concerned about snowballing, IMO a better place to look would be reducing gold/experience for kills early on, which is something we already do FWIW. It's possible that we need to tune this mechanic up in URF (DISCLAIMER!!!! I am not saying that we will or won't do this. All I can commit to right now is "we'll think about it")

Edit - It's also worth noting that "good at level 1" doesn't really correlate with winrate in URF. Just to make sure, I looked. If we found that all of the highest winrate champs were good level 1 champs, that would be a really good indicator that the top lane brawl is really swinging things. That's not the case, however.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by RaphtotheMax5

Yeah starting level 3 would help a lot, a ton of champs are super gated until they get all their abilities

Hello! This should be a top level comment but given that I'm pretty late to this thread, I figured I'd also post it as a reply to this comment for more visibility. Some thoughts as a designer on the Modes team -

I'm not convinced starting champions at level 3 would solve this issue. You correctly point out that people would probably still go top lane and scrap it out. I think a group of level 3 champions doing this is worse for a couple of reasons:

  • Since all champions can combo, the top lane fight would have much higher lethality
  • Higher level champions are worth more experience, so the winners of that fight would have a much bigger advantage
  • You can argue that, if starting at level 3, the losing team has more tools to escape their disadvantage. However, this same argument applies to the winning team - they are also higher level and much more dangerous, so they'd be better at pressing their advantage.

I agree that the toplane pileup sometimes puts you in a bad situation, like starting E on Lillia rather than Q. Those fights also have a completely unique texture that you can't get anywhere else in League, so I'd be a little sad to get rid of it.

FWIW in my experience that fight very rarely decides the game, and I've had some success in convincing my team not to go up there if I think we will lose (usually by not going there myself and spam pinging danger). It's also worth mentioning that nothing is forcing people to fight like that - they do it because it's fun and braindead fighting is kinda what URF is all about.

If we're concerned about snowballing, IMO a better place to look would be reducing gold/experience for kills early on, which is something we already do FWIW. It's possible that we need to tune this mechanic up in URF (DISCLAIMER!!!! I am not saying that we will or won't do this. All I can commit to right now is "we'll think about it")

Edit - It's also worth noting that "good at level 1" doesn't really correlate with winrate in URF. Just to make sure, I looked. If we found that all of the highest winrate champs were good level 1 champs, that would be a really good indicator that the top lane brawl is really swinging things. That's not the case, however.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Beyond the issues outlined in the parent, I think it's worth noting that having 3 available at the start means a much less "un-fun" few minutes of the beginning of laning outside of the top lane fiesta. Being a melee champ solo at mid against a Syndra/Lux is absolutely miserable when only one ability is there for me. Malphite is a great example of this: If I'm going solo Malph mid (because top and bot have duo premades), I have to make a decision in the form of:

  1. Do I want waveclear with my E to ensure that I can possibly level up quicker/get some more gold? OR

  2. Do I want some poke with my Q so that I can chip away at my opponent and prevent them from snowballing but miss out on gold?

An instant level 3 would give solo melee laners just a bit more tools for their kit to compete against control mages who wield near-infinite lockdown.

Control mages don't gain that lockdown until they have their full combo, though. All Syndra can do at lv1 is spam Q or W, and Lux either takes Q first (which lets you hide behind minions) or E first (meaning she's almost guaranteed to push the wave so you can pick it up at your tower)

The fundamentals of laning in URF aren't that different from regular Summoner's Rift. In my experience it's totally viable to play safe until you hit your spike, especially given that freezes are almost unheard of.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by Whattahei

Please don’t listen to the monkeys on reddit complaining that their favorite champs sucks at level ONE in a fun mode.

Well, considering that the TLDR of my reply is "I disagree with OP," I don't think you need to worry :-P

That being said, it's my job to make the game more fun if I can!

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by Gulstab

I think the main argument here is comparing URF to ARAM which does start you at level 3.

The two game modes are oddly similar in some ways. They’re both generally played to be fast-paced or quicker games compared to SR. They both de-emphasize CSing and favour brawling it out. Now ARAM tends to have a bit more nuance in that you try to time your engages with ally cooldowns vs enemy cooldowns because it’s theoretically a permanent 5v5 and your skills aren’t on insanely short timers whereas URF can be XvX depending on tons of factors and fighting any chance you can is seen as optimal because there’s little repercussion for blowing a (normally) big ability.

The other major differences between the two being ARAM is always on a single lane map with no meaningful objectives outside of structures but has access to a 40s~ engage skill to break stalemates and allow certain champions to not feel awful; while URF has access to the cannon, short cooldowns and respawn timers, and no linear objectives assuming the average game doesn’t just push one lane every time.

Perhaps the EXP and gold issues are valid reasons against it but the more dangerous level ones shouldn’t be a drastic difference. It puts both teams on equal ground in the sense that neither team has a more powerful single ability determining the outcome of early game while also just being ridiculously more fun by erasing the tedium of getting to level 3 hoping that you get it before or at the same time as the enemy laner(s).

Could you imagine going back to ARAM pre-Howling Abyss when you had to wait to hit level 3 and finally get to contribute to the game? Maybe the enemy team has a lot of poke or hooks while you’re stuck with close range targeted mobility skills or a single 10s skill that doesn’t even compare in distance to theirs. Hell there’s still a minority of champions who don’t feel meaningful until level 6 on ARAM!

I think if pick!URF is going to continue to return in the coming years it would be worth at least experimenting with a level 3 start. It just lets you get to the fun part of the game faster!

I think the level 3 start makes more sense in ARAM because you really don't have any option besides engaging with the other team. The terrain makes it so.

In URF, why should the teams be on equal ground at level 1? Part of the skill of LoL is recognizing who is stronger based on the state of the game. If you think the other team will win the level 1 fight, you can always opt out (and try to convince your team to opt out too). For example, in this situation I've found success pinging danger a bunch and getting into the cannon first and going mid or bot. That sends a strong signal that I don't intend to do the toplane fight and it often (not always of course) dissuades my team from engaging.

I understand that many champs don't feel that fun until level 3, but I still think that's an important part of the texture of laning in LoL. Starting at level 3 would make some champions more fun, and others that are better in the early levels less so. Since it removes nuance from the game, I'd need to be convinced that it's a strong net positive to go for it.

(Edit - One For All is an example where we felt that the laning experience was so lopsided that starting at level 3 made things much better. At the moment I don't think levels 1-2 are miserable enough in URF to justify it)

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by PotmArrows

What are your thoughts on Samira basically playing Urf all the time in SR with the exception of her W cd lol

I think she's a dope champion and I can't wait to see what pros will do with her. I think she's a great addition to the roster.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by alphiebot

I really appreciate you taking the time for a full response! I definitely agree that the kill count would spike hilariously, and you're going to end up with massive characters arriving in lane with a full complement of tools to abuse their lead. I do think the gold/exp rewards for killing level 3 champions could be tuned even further downward, but that might break player expectations and leave players feeling shortchanged when their score doesn't match the expected reward.

But I disagree on the value of the level 1 fights- it's a kind of problem solving that's perfectly unique to URF, and something that definitely evolves and balances itself as a micro-meta evolves, but I don't think that's best for the general player experience right now. There's a possibility that the balance and playtest teams (and to a lesser extent, PBE community) are more experienced and knowledgeable about the general power levels and tactics, so they're reporting a more fulfilling experience than someone who just wants to play the hyperspeed version of their main.

Metatextually, I know player counts spike during worlds as inactive players return or seasonal players return to their migratory nesting grounds, and I don't know if that kind of depth is going to be as fun for them. There's a lower- I don't know how to say this, but "ranked anxiety" but for League as a whole. Coming back after a long break is sometimes emotionally taxing, trying to catch up with the meta and champion changes so you're not a burden on your team or a target for abuse. URF, and rotating game modes, are a "lighter" experience, which I think is invaluable given the universal anxiety in the state of the world. I think there's more value in reducing that crystallized knowledge burden.

If a fed enemy is abusing you with their three abilities, I think there's at least an understanding and fairness to that spectacle. Their power matches their identity- Maokai's more than just sapling artillery, Akali is more than an immobile DPS lawnmower. At least you're getting smacked around by a familiar face.

I agree that it's possible to communicate to your teammates to back down from the toplane brawls, but I think it can be emotionally draining as well. I think there's some evidence here of community frustration with the current state of brawls, but also plenty of people interested in preserving the ritual of the thing (which I am 100% for! if that wasn't entirely clear). I love that idea of dumb rules we all obey, but I don't find the experience fun when I'm playing a character that's at a distinct disadvantage level 1. When tower hugging is unilaterally the best choice for the character I want to play, and my teammates are positioned to railroad over the enemy, there's an inherent frustration and conflict involved. I will absolutely feed my ass off if the rest of the team is fighting, but it's more for moral cohesion and keeping everyone happy than any strategic reason. I truly think we could all use some more levity in our lives right now. There are other avenues for players to puzzle away, suss out personalized optimizations- in TFT, in the upcoming item rework, in the primary SR experience.

I fully admit that my opinion here is skewed by my personal frustrations. Honestly, my main motivation here is that my brother and I have had a hard time finding a game to play together since he moved away, and I'm having trouble convincing him to play League again because he becomes frustrating for all the reasons I've mentioned. But I would really, really appreciate a hard Riot brain-trust group thinking session on the potential merit here. Really- thanks for taking the time to respond!

I definitely see where you're coming from. The toplane brawl is a very interesting case for sure, because people just started doing it and it snowballed from there. In case you don't know, in Korea they actually do the same thing but in the midlane!

If it helps, I've definitely experienced more success calling off the toplane fight as a duo. If only 3 out of 5 are there most players will be a lot more cautious.