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about 6 years ago - /u/Westbroke - Direct link

Originally posted by ChemistryBitch

Where is the rest of the conversation? It looks like you left out all the text of your own that the support member was replying to, so you could cherry pick and take their words out of context.

It seems that they are making a personal suggestion, not a general one, for someone who can't hold their tongue and who is prone to verbally lashing out against teammates who don't perform perfectly.

So there's plenty of missing context here. First, the ban itself was justified. Second, the question the agent answered - after respectfully explaining the ban and the reasons for it - was pretty much obvious bait.

At this point in the back-and-forth with the agent, OP sarcastically asked whether they should just go AFK in games rather than asking the other team to report their teammates. They said they'd do that next time (neither are great options, btw). The agent responded, as you can see in the lovely image above, and the player then doubled-down, vowing to "ALWAYS" go AFK in games rather than let any negativity seep through.

There's a lot to unpack here, and I don't really like to jump in threads like this, but it's pretty glaringly posted in bad faith.

Btw If you're looking out for your self-interest, Leaverbuster IS probably better than getting permabanned for extreme negativity and harassing your teammates in about the least productive way possible. But - obviously - neither is great, and we do ban people much more strictly via manual review if they grief their team by leaving games intentionally.

about 6 years ago - /u/Westbroke - Direct link

Originally posted by Hjimska

"Riot support" is just 3 Indian students using predictive text.

All of our agents are empowered and encouraged to write in their own voice and from their own point of view. We definitely use macros and automation for certain things when it's operationally necessary or we simply need to answer as many questions as possible due to the size of the queue (account recovery or certain first-touch interactions are good examples), but everybody you talk to in PS is a real person who plays League. Our PS agents often are some of the community's strongest advocates, helping us get the full scope of "player pain" out there and allowing us to better talk to dev teams about it (yes Riot uses that phrase and yes I know it sounds kinda unsettling in a vague but friendly way).