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As the topic said names of 10th anniversaryquests are coming from famous meta moments at our game.

Day 1 - Double bruisers bot - Pre season 1 Worlds almost every team played two bruisers bot and adc mid, then Eu changed it at Worlds.

Day 2 - Ezreal, Corki, Graves - During season 2 Worlds only those three champions was viable as ADC.

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotBrightmoon - Direct link

I’m so excited you noticed this - I had a lot of fun writing these with Meddler, Riot Scruffy, and Riot Maple Nectar. So many metas over the past 10 years it was hard to choose one per year but we tried!

over 5 years ago - /u/Koka-Noodles - Direct link

Originally posted by simple_noodle

Are you going to update this every day with the story behind the mission names? I would like to know them

I'm only replying because of your username.