So I really want a Vel'koz skin and i decided to let RIOT support team hear about my frustrations. You can read and understand with me. I've been struggling.
So I really want a Vel'koz skin and i decided to let RIOT support team hear about my frustrations. You can read and understand with me. I've been struggling.
Only popular champs get skins unfortunately :(
It is true that we make skins for popular champs. These skins reach the most players and our goal is to serve as many players as we can.
It is not true that lower play rate champions do not get any skins. In 2019 we’ve hit Anivia, Nunu, Ivern, Shaco, Udyr, Shen, Galio, Veigar, Nocturne, and more to come.
As a side note. We’re trying to build more skins per year with the goal of reaching as many champions and players as possible. There are more than 140 champs in League now so it’s getting harder to serve large groups of players with a single skin, but we’re doing what we can to scale up to meet the needs of players.