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about 5 years ago - /u/ThEntropist_ - Direct link

Hey Everyone, We tried something new for this Set, in creating an educational video to get people prepared for their first game, similar to what a Spotlight does. We plan to iterate on this for each set, so if you have feedback we'd love to hear it!

about 5 years ago - /u/ThEntropist_ - Direct link

Originally posted by Maider23

Hey i really loved seeing this! Was talking to a friend about this new set just yesterday and wished there was something like this to show him, only thing i missed was a part talking about the different universes, as i have only seen a few from streams and haven't been able to understand them completly.

Agreed! I think the elemental hexes from last set confused a lot of people who were coming over from Set 1. It's a hard balance between trying to explain everything and just giving enough that it doesn't become overwhelming. In the future, broad game changing mechanics like those are definitely something we want to find ways to fit in.

Since you said you were confused I'll do my best to explain here, sadly I don't have the same AI like voice as the video:

Every game you have a small chance to have your game altered. Currently there are two things that can happen. 1. Everybody in the game starts with two Neeko's helps. 2. The first carousel has all 4 cost units.

There will probably be more effects added throughout the set, but those are the two that are shipping first. Hope that helps!

about 5 years ago - /u/ThEntropist_ - Direct link

Originally posted by drododruffin

How come new items weren't brought up?

Figured it wouldn't be necessary as there are still a bunch of carryovers from the previous sets and most of the changes were just with spat items. Do you feel differently?

about 5 years ago - /u/ThEntropist_ - Direct link

Originally posted by omicrom35

I cant decide if I like a big video or not. I almost had the overwhelmed feeling after the origin section.

You thinking that if we break it up into parts it might make it easier to digest?

about 5 years ago - /u/ThEntropist_ - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

Everything in one video is fine, but i think it's pace was a bit to quick. Maybe make the breaks between sections slightly longer? Like put in the current content, maybe add about galaxies and balance it out at roughly 2 minutes longer.

Thanks for the feedback!

about 5 years ago - /u/ThEntropist_ - Direct link

Originally posted by korro90

I feel like explaining every single class and origin was a little too detailed and/or unnecessary. I would have preferred a look at new mechanics (special universes) instead. Overall the video was still great!

Sounds good, thanks for the feedback!

about 5 years ago - /u/ThEntropist_ - Direct link

Originally posted by juntekila

Maybe try one video with a general overview (this one you push on media) and do the thing where at the end of the video you click on what you want to learn more (classes, origins, etc.). That way it's not overwhelming for people that want a general view or newcomers, and you give more freedom of info to the user. I like the polish btw.

Cool idea, thanks for the feedback!

about 5 years ago - /u/ThEntropist_ - Direct link

Originally posted by Faranae

These folks all have great input. I hope you don't mind my adding a few thoughts from my own perspective since you seem genuinely interested in gathering input on the format?

  • The "AI" narrative concept did make it far more lore-friendly to consume but was also slightly distracting.

  • The script's terminology was all over the place. For example, Blasters: "They sometimes blast again and again". What does this mean to a casual or new player? Increased attack speed for a time? Multiple hits on one target per single attack? The writing could definitely have had more clarity in a few spots to strike that balance between informative and easy-to-digest.

  • That said, having the various effects explained in layman's terms was still a spectacular approach. TFT is a great pick-up-and-play game, and I've seen quite a few casual players pick it up who have no interest in or knowledge of League itself. Videos scripted like this are great for that sort of player and really makes it feel more accessible.

Unrelated to the minor writing nitpicks, it looks like the team's put a lot of work into making the video clear. Not once did the CC/Subtitles cover any important information/caption/animations as far as I could spot, unlike a few other videos Riot's put out in the past which didn't seem to take the possibility into account that the bottom 1/6th of the screen might be covered at any given time.

Also of note, whoever on the team decided that using that specific arena skin was a good idea for the video deserves a free coffee. The darker violet contrasts perfectly with the goldenrod accents on the animation. It pulled the eye exactly where it needed to go as the video progressed. Perfect use of color. Thumbs way up.

Thank you for the very thorough response! I'll be sure to pass along the script feedback to our writer. Glad you had parts you really enjoyed :)