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Mark Yetter Tweeted the upcoming changes for 10.5

First look at patch 10.5 targets:

Some systems work to improve top lane impact and the usual pass on champion outliers. Nothing finalized yet, will have full changes tomorrow.

>>> System <<<

  • Titanic Hydra (Buff)

  • Ravenous Hydra (Buff)

  • Blade of the Ruined King Buff (melee only)

  • Turret plates (Take more damage from melee)

  • Spellthief and Spectral Sickle (effect can only be triggered with ally nearby)

  • Boots of Mobility (Nerf)

  • Boots of Swithness (Buff)

>>> Nerfs <<<

  • Ornn

  • Sett

  • Rammus (partial revert)

  • Amumu (partial revert)

  • Blitzcrank

  • Bard

>>> Buffs <<<

  • Kayn

  • Graves

  • Lissandra

  • Neeko

  • Twisted Fate

  • Sivir

  • Kai'Sa

  • Alistar

  • Sona - (Reverting 10.4 hotfix nerf)

>>> Jungle Pool Buffs <<<

  • Darius

  • Mordekaiser

  • Poppy

  • Brand

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about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by crazyike

Poor Rammus gets to 52% and must immediately face the guillotine once more.

hes 54.1% over ~90% of the player base (gold and below) :> Buffing him along with cinderhulk was probably a mistako

about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by TheOneArmedWolf

Remember when Riven had 56% winrate on a 15% playrate last year but wasn't nerfed for months because she was low winrate on Vietnam or something?

How come then that Rammus is getting nerfed because he's 54.1% winrate on a 3% playrate, ergo, mostly mains????

The info is already out there but I suspect you aren't actually willing to look for, so I'll correct you here.

  • She was never that high - except maybe in M+, where sample size is like 300 games per patch and totally unreliable (ie: on 9.05 it randomly went up 6.7% from 48.1% to 54.8%). For most players, she was ranged from a 47-53% winrate.

  • Vietnam has a roughly equivalent or larger ranked population as NA so I don't know what to tell you.

  • AND she was specifically too strong in NA (if we include other regions like EU, KR, CN, or, yes, Vietnam she was fine)

heres a relevant post from the time for further enlightenment: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/b0giqp/how_powered_is_riven/

about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by skirtskirt

nonono 200 years of experience could never make a mistake

yeah u right I think we should actually buff rammus here. How about another 5% attack speed and attack speed ratio

about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by MoonParkSong

Buffing Bork and Hydra

Not nerfing Yi.


at least we aren't also buffing him this patch

about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by TheOneArmedWolf

"We look at 4 different tiers of play when approaching champion balance:

Majority (most players fit here) The sample size here is massive and the main things we look at are win-rate, play rate, and ban rate.

High skilled (roughly plat+ MMR) Same as Majority but slightly stricter on criteria

Elite (really high, like Grandmaster+) Winrate starts to fall apart up here due to sample size, so mainly look at perception and ban rate

Pro play Look heavily at the overall systems and presence% of picks"

"If a champion is “OP” in ANY of the 4 tiers, they should be nerfed"

Apareantly, this didn't apply to Riven back then, so she wasn't nerfed for a while (even tho there were nerfs for champions that weren't "op" in all 4 tiers either).

So how come Rammus fits into "If a champion is “OP” in ANY of the 4 tiers, they should be nerfed" now? Rammus is stomping low elo, but on a low playrate. He also does great in Diamond and Masters, but at that point his PR is below 2,5%.

Im just asking, how did Riot went from not wanting to nerf a hard to play champion like riven that had an playrate from a global 50 to 53% plat and above on a 9 to 14% playrate, yet now Rammus is getting nerfed for having a 54% wr on a 3% playrate in low elo? Sure, there's more low elo games than high elos, but on that same logic, then Darius should be getting nerfed first, since he's doing good on ALL elos, ranging from 57% wr on a 7% pr in challenger, to a 51% wr global on a 12% pr in silver.

Also: "she was specifically too strong in NA (if we include other regions she was fine)"

The post coincidentally doesn't specify Riven's winrate in other servers nor throughout all elos, but states that in NA she has a winrate of 53% against a globan average of 52%... That isn't much of a difference to justify saying it was exclusively a NA problem.

Playrate is generally not used to compare champs unless it changes dramatically - Rammus in general will never be anywhere near Riven in terms of popularity assuming equivalent power since relatively fewer people (understatement of the year) want to play as an armadillo in need of a vgu VS an edgy warrior with amazing skins - so judging them against each other via playrate would be wildly ignorant of non-balance impacting factors.


Except in elite / pro, where we assume that players are optimizing heavier for power rather than personal enjoyment (or perhaps rather they personally enjoy winning more than other factors), since the top of the ladder is self selecting for players that do what it takes to win.

So from our perspective, Darius is a reasonable champion (a little strong, but not an issue), while Rammus is pretty obviously too strong. I'll disregard the 57% wr in challenger since I have no idea where you got that number from, and as we already covered, challenger winrate doesn't matter since its like, 50 games, and 7% pick rate is not high.