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Ravenous Hydra + Jak'Sho + Death's Dance, Blade of the ruined king, Jak'Sho + AP Bruiser Items, overtuned healing, damage wise it feels like we have made a 180° running straight back to the pre 12.10 era except for Bruisers who won't die but annihilate anyone else. This is probably one of the most mentally exhausting metas I had the privilege to play in.

Maybe after the recent nerfs the game will stabilise a bit but generally speaking it was quite an exhausting Preseason and I hope it will be over soon.

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about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by ultradoomslaya

Where you around during league of Bork, league of mogs, or league of cleaver? Those felt way worse than now.

FWIW League of Cleaver was never actually a thing. It was a meme build. People just pretended that 5x Black Cleaver was good but it never was.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Sandalman3000

I recall some of the meme involved transcendence using the overstacking CDR to add up to a lot of AD. I know Malphite during this time could do a Seraphs + Frozen Heart stack into all AD teams.

Yes transcendence was part of it.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by DownloadedHome

What's your opinion on the situation of AD bruisers right now when it comes to their damage output and survivability?

It’s tough. For the first time it feels like individual melee champions can hard carry a game the way that Twitch or almost any other ADC has been able to for like a decade.

That said, an ahead ADC can be oneshot if the Akali just plays well. You don’t have that same luxury vs. Aatrox. But also Aatrox doesn’t 1v9 unless you actually keep screwing up into him.

Idk. I’m not done thinking about it.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

In my opinion its important to have positional power diversity in League. If all agency is streamlined, the game loses a bug chunk of strategy.

That being said, my current gripe with the game is that it feels like you're playing with and vs items, rather than champions. Items are warping kits a bit too much. Some are even giving champions mechanics that belong within a kit, class, or role.

If agency is too unequal, strategy is streamlined. Why ever play for top? Everyone should only play for bot lane. That’s been one of League’s problems for like 10 years.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Taztingo

I wanted to inverse your statement into a question to get a bit more out of it. I'm not and never will be a game balancer lol.

Should these melee champions be able to hard carry the same way that a Twitch or any other ADC has been able to for like a decade? I have emphasis on same way because of the trade offs between roles.

Also, do you think it's possible or fun to decouple more ADCs from supports? I say more as a safe clause for edge cases such as kindred, graves, quinn, akshan.

I don’t really see a way to reconcile a champion being able to fully 1v2 with the other players having agency over their lane.

But obviously there are degrees. Ziggs and Ezreal can farm from a distance and would get more farm than Vayne in a weak lane.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by androidnoobbaby

The fact that you think solo laners with early game agency should be able to hard carry a game like an ADC that needs to be babysitted by a support and doesn't exist before minute 20 tells me everything I need to know about the garbage mentality driving the game's most awful changes. Classes are different for a reason.

I didn’t say solo laners with early agency should be able to hard carry a game like an ADC. There are plenty of scaling top laners who don’t have early agency. Why are you inventing strawmans to fight against?

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

the problem comes from continuing to pump more and more power into bruisers and toplane without actually changing any of the macro or gameplay involvement for everyone else.

So now toplane sits on an island for a bit then solo decides the result for the other 8 people in the game, which is the worst possible scenario.

FWIW League has at least made improvements there: Rift Herald is still somewhat of a team objective, but at least there's something to do around top side before Baron spawns. I'd go as far as to argue that top side objectives mean more than bottom side ones. Pro play seems to indicate that Herald is more important than Drake. Yes, the team roams over there, but that's how objectives work.

I don't agree with the premise that the Riven (or whoever) comes out of top lane and just solo decides the game. Maybe if they're 13-0 and every other lane is at a stand-still, then sure. Someone's ahead and it probably matters. But I think "Island... then solo decides the result" is not very accurate.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Mazrim_reddit

its more what the game has swung towards, it doesn't have to be some insanely snowballed riven just a 2/0 fiora or irelia with normal bruiser items that are super overtuned (death dance, jaksho, botrk right now, but there seems to always be something) and they just always seem to have disproportional impact from their performance due to how much better bruiser items and runes always are than every other classes.

It never feels like bruisers have to work hard to have 1v5 levels of impact compared to every other class, simply because when they get a small lead all their items are so unfair (both give a ton of damage and make them unkillable) no one can stop them.

I just really don't agree there. I don't see normal or slightly-elevated income fighters hard carry games.

I think jungle is slightly overtuned as a role because of how much impact it has on the game overall but it's not because Viego or Jax or whatever just wins the game at 20 minutes.