Lore - Cho'mille is a hot and slender anime girl from the Void, she patroled the entrance to the Void and lured horny man into her lair.
Looks - She's tall, wears a purple-blue bodysuit and has big mommy milkies.
Abilities -
Passive - Carnivore Defenses: When Cho'mille attacks enemy champion she gains 20% of enemies max health as a shield.
The shield decays over 5 seconds and heals Cho'mille for a portion of the shield remaining.
Heal - 60-100% of remaining shield based on level.
Cooldown - 20-10 seconds based on level.
Q - Passive - Thickness: Cho'mille can get bonus health and thigh circumference by executing enemy champions with Precise Feast.
Q - Active - Precise Feast: Cho'mille's next attack within 4 seconds deals bonus physical damage, gives her movement speed and slows the enemy hit.
Recast: Cho'mille attacks again, dealing bonus true damage. If Precise Feast kills enemy champion she gets a stack of thickness.
Damage - 0/25/50/75/100 + 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 Total attack damage.
Bonus true damage - 10-50% bonus attack damage (based on level) plus 10% Cho'mille's max health.
Movement Speed - 10/20/30/40/50% + 5% per each stack of Thickness
Slow - 20%
Cooldown - 10/9/8/7/6 seconds.
W - Feral Sweep - Cho'mille sweeps her juicy leg in a cone after one second of delay, during which she can't declare basic attack.
Enemies hit by the outer half of the cone are silenced and slowed.
Enemies hit by the inner half of the cone are crushed between Cho'mille's thighs (God I wish that were me) and are rooted in place as well as take bonus damage.
Outer cone damage - 100/120/140/160/180 + 1.0 bonus AD
Outer cone slow - 40-80% decaying, based on level.
Outer cone silene - 1/1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8 seconds
Inner cone damage - 100/120/140/160/180 + 10% of Cho'mille's bonus HP per Thickness stack.
Root duration - 0/0.25/0.5/0.75/1 second + 0.25 seconds per Thickness stack.
E - I don't care at this point i want to be a watermenlon and get suffocated by chomilel
R - The void ultimatum: chomille hops on enemy and deals damage and also traps enemy in an arena that after a whiel knocks everyone inside the arena up (get it its cuz its camille ult and chogath q combined) and then the sits on his face or smtn help im horny
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