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The sequel to the Teemo catalog. You asked, so I delivered. I'm using data from this website. Let's get started. Also as an FYI, there aren't as many "weird" things that Shaco's do (other than main Shaco)

Placement Mastery Points Server Rank Other Things
1st 10.8 million NA Iron 4 0 LP Normal
2nd 6.5 million BR Unranked (Platinum 4 last year) N/A
3rd 6.2 million NA Silver 3 Play Neeko JG if Shaco is picked or banned
4th 6.0 million EUW Master 173 LP Their last 2 games have been AD tank shaco
5th 5.7 million RU Master 0 LP Normal
6th 5.6 million BR Gold 2 Normal
7th 5.46 million BR Diamond 3 Normal
8th 5.40 million NA Platinum 4 Normal
9th 5.3 million NA Diamond 4 AP Shaco Support
10th 4.9 million EUW Unranked (Gold 3 last season) N/A
11th 4.88 million KR Gold 3 Leads to a profile with 1 million mastery instead of 4.8 (?)
12th 4.85 million KR Gold 4 Titanic Hydra on Shaco
13th 4.75 million NA Silver 2 Normal
14th 4.71 million EUNE Gold 3 Bloodthirster on Shaco
15th 4.704 million NA Unranked (Diamond 4 last season) N/A
16th 4.701 million LAS Gold 3 Still mastery 5, AP Shaco support
17th 4.47 million NA Diamond 3 AP Shaco top lane with TP + Ignite
18th 4.45 million NA Silver 4 Tank Shaco support with AP support item
19th 4.44 million NA Iron 2 AP shaco support with ignite + TP
20th 4.41 million KR Bronze 1 Normal
21st 4.36 million KR Gold 4 Normal
22nd 4.30 million BR Unranked (Gold 4 last season) N/A
23rd 4.23 million NA Platinum 4 Normal
24th 4.20 million KR Diamond 2 Tank Shaco JG
25th 4.189 million JP Master 59 LP Ghost on Shaco JG
26th 4.187 million EUNE Bronze 2 in Flex AP Shaco Support
27th 4.06 million EUW Diamond 4 Normal
28th 4.05 million RU Diamond 1 AP Shaco top lane with ignite + TP
29th 4.04 million BR Silver 3 Normal
30th 3.99 million LAS Silver 3 Normal
31st 3.97 million EUW Master 355 LP Normal
32nd 3.86 million EUW Platinum 4 Normal
33rd 3.84 million BR Gold 4 AP Shaco top lane, ignite + TP (why is this so popular?)
34th 3.82 million EUNE Gold 1 AP Shaco support
35th 3.76 million LAS Gold 1 AP Shaco support
36th 3.75 million EUNE Platinum 3 Normal
37th 3.73 million LAN Diamond 2 Normal
38th 3.716 million NA Diamond 1 Normal
39th 3.714 million EUW Silver 4 Normal
40th 3.68 million BR Master 456 LP Normal
41st 3.66 million NA Platinum 4 Normal
42nd 3.65 million NA Platinum 3 Normal
43rd 3,622,338 LAS Unranked (Diamond 3 last season) N/A
44th 3,622,215 EUW Master 288 LP AP Shaco support
45th 3.61 million EUW Diamond 2 Normal
46th 3.60 million EUW Gold 3 N/A, only played URF last month
47th 3.59 million EUW Diamond 1 Normal
48th 3.58 million EUNE Master 136 LP Normal
49th 3,563,914 RU Platinum 4 Normal
50th 3,563,380 EUNE Unranked (Gold 3 in season 8) N/A

My fingers are dead after writing that. Anyway, the Shaco's are much higher ranked, with there being 23 master and diamond players combined, compared to the Teemo catalog which shows that half were in Bronze and Silver. This means that, either Shaco mains are very good at the game/Shaco, or the Teemo mains are bad at the game/champion.

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over 2 years ago - /u/RiotCombatCube - Direct link

Gotta appreciate the dedication! At 1,266,494 points, I'm #2852. Looks like I've got a ways to climb!