This is a list of the current changes on the PBE.
Systemic (runes & items) changes
Mage mythics
Crown of the Shattered Queen ability power: 60 --> 70 (Ornn item: 80 --> 90)
Everfrost (+Ornn item) slow duration: 1.5s --> 1s
Liandry's Anguish (+Ornn item) burn base damage: 15/s --> 12.5/s
Riftmaker ability power: 80 --> 70 (Ornn item: 100 --> 90)
Hextech Rocketbelt magic pen: 6 --> 10 (Ornn item: 10 --> 15)
Night Harvester (+Ornn item):
- per-target cooldown: 40s --> 30s
- ability haste: 15 --> 25 (Ornn item: 20 --> 30)
Assassin items
Prowler's Claw:
- lethality: 18 --> 20 (Ornn item: 26 --> 29)
- attack damage: 60 --> 70 (Ornn item: 75 --> 85)
Duskblade of Draktharr:
- lethality: 18 --> 20 (Ornn item: 26 --> 29)
- attack damage: 60 --> 70 (Ornn item: 75 --> 90)
- lethality: 18 --> 20 (Ornn item: 26 --> 29)
- attack damage: 55 --> 60 (Ornn item: 75 --> 85)
- max health damage (+Ornn item): 6% always --> 6% melee, 3% ranged
Serpent's Fang lethality: 12 --> 14
Axiom Arc lethality: 10 --> 13
Umbral Glaive cooldown: 35s --> 40s
Grievous Wounds
- Healing reduction: 50%/30% --> 40%/25%
(Affects the following items, as well as Katarina, Kled, Singed, Varus)
- Chempunk Chainsword:
- ability haste: 15 --> 25
- attack damage: 45 --> 55
- Mortal Reminder attacks for empower: 3 --> 2
Executioner's Calling attack damage: 15 --> 20
- health: 250 --> 300
- ability power: 80 --> 90
Chemtech Putrifier ability power: 55 --> 60
Oblivion Orb ability power: 30 --> 35
Thornmail passive damage bAR scaling: 10% --> 20%
Bramblevest passive base damage: 3 --> 4
Other tank items
- Bami's Cinder completion price: 300 --> 200 (upgrades unchanged)
- Sunfire Aegis health: 350 --> 450 (Ornn item: 500 --> 600)
- Frostfire Gauntlet health: 350 --> 450 (Ornn item: 500 --> 600)
Turbo Chemtank health: 350 --> 450 (Ornn item: 500 --> 600)
Randuin's Omen armor: 80 --> 90
Spirit Visage magic resist: 40 --> 50
Abyssal Mask:
- magic resist per cursed enemy: 7 --> 9
- magic resist: 30 --> 35
Knight's Vow ability haste: 10 --> 20
Zeke's Convergence armor: 25 --> 35
Bruiser items
Goredrinker (+Ornn item) mythic ability haste: 5 --> 7
Death's Dance heal: 140% bAD --> 120% bAD
Maw of Malmortius cooldown: 60s --> 75s
Sterak's Gage:
- shield bHP scaling: 70% --> 75%
- base AD to bonus AD: 40% --> 45%
Blade of the Ruined King lifesteal: 7% --> 8%
Other DPS/ADC runes and items:
Lethal Tempo attack speed: 30%-54% --> 18%-42%
- 5% per stack at level 1 increasing by +1% at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 --> 3% per stack at level 1 increasing by +1% at levels 3, 6, 9, 12
Kraken Slayer (+Ornn item) 3rd attack true damage: 60 +45% bAD --> 50 +40% bAD
Individual champion changes (Alphabetical)
Aphelios P:
- AS per rank: 6% --> 7.5%
- Lethality per rank: 4.5 --> 5.5
- P tHP damage per stack over duration: 3% --> 2.5%
- P tHP damage explosion: 10%-14% linear between champion levels 1-17 --> 8%-12% linear between champion levels 1-17 (2% per 100 AP scaling unchanged)
- Q tAD scaling: 130%-190% --> 125%-205%
- Q cost: 50-90 --> 55-75
- E base damage: 70-230 --> 80-280
- E cooldown: 16s-10s --> 16s-8s
- Q min AP scaling: 70% --> 80% (max is still x1.5 this value)
- Q cooldown: 11s-7s --> 10s-6s
- E cooldown: 16s-12s --> 14s-12s
- (Bugfix) now swaps Glacial Augment for First Strike
- W resists: 20 flat --> 12-20
- W cooldown: 22s-14s --> 22s-18s
- E cooldown refund: 60% --> 50%
- Q heal tAD scaling: 7%-11% --> 9%-13%
- E cooldown: 18s-12s --> 16s-12s
- Q Rhaast (Darkin, red form) scaling: 5.5% per 100 bAD --> 5.0% per 100 bAD
- Q attack speed: 15%-35% --> 10%-30%
- Q shred: 25%-33% --> 23%-31%
- W max health scaling: 3%-7% --> 3%-6%
Lee Sin:
- base AD: 66 --> 68
- Q base damage (each part): 50-150 --> 55-155
- base health: 650 --> 625
- P burn scaling over 3s: 1.5% per 100 AP --> 1.2% per 100 AP
Master Yi:
- health growth: 106 --> 100
- E base damage: 30-62 --> 30-50
- P "combat tracking duration": 4s flat --> 4s-9s (Scales with passive rank, but passives don't level up?)
- URF-only changes:
- P bonus MS: unchanged 1-18, now scales past 18 (9% @ 19-30 (same as 18) --> 12%-18% @ 19-30)
- 3% at level 1 and increasing by +3% at levels 6, 11 -> 3% at level 1 and increasing by +3% at levels 6, 11, 19, 24, 30
- Q non-champ heal: 65-185 +6% bHP +70% AP --> 65-185 +10% bHP +90% AP
- non-champ and low-health modifiers are still x0.6 and x1.5 of these values respectively
- E cooldown: 14s flat --> 14s-10s
- P max stats threshold: 22.5% --> 30%
- P max lifesteal: 10%-30% linear with champion levels --> 8%-25% linear with champion levels
- Q min cooldown: 3s --> 2.5s
- Q base damage: 60-260 --> 70-270
- W cooldown: 16s-10s --> 16s-12s
- R resists: 10-40 --> 10-30
- Q base heal: 18-90 --> 30-115
- W cooldown: 18s-12s --> 16s-10s
- E cost: 60-100 --> 40-60
- E base shield: 35-135 --> 50-150
- base health: 655 --> 620
- AD growth: 3 --> 2.5
- R cooldown: 110s-70s --> 110s-90s
- E damage AP scaling: 30% --> 35%
- E cost: 40-100 --> 35-75
- AD growth: 3 --> 3.3
- Q tAD scaling: 80%-120% --> 85%-125%
- P "soul drop percent chance on senna kill": 2.777% --> 8.333%
- Q base slow: 20% --> 15%
- Q slow duration: 2s flat --> 1s-2s
- (Bugfix) W shield breakpoints fixed to reflect 12.10 nerf
- P heal tHP scaling: 3.5%-7% --> 3%-6%
- 3.5% at level 1, increasing by +1% on levels 6, 11 and by +1.5% on level 16 -> 3.5% at level 1, increasing by +1% on levels 6, 11, 16
- W damage: 80-240 +70% AP --> 80-220 +55% AP (minions are still half)
- R heal per second: 15-45 +20% AP --> 15-40 +18% AP (minions are still x0.1)
- W cooldown: 14s-6s --> 12s-6s
- cost: 60-100 --> 50-90
- min healing AP scaling: 35% --> 40% (max healing is still x2.0 this value)
- E cooldown: 14s-10s --> 13s-9s
Tahm Kench:
- P onhit bHP scaling: 2.5% --> 4%
- Q base heal: 10-20 --> 10-30
- R base shield: 500-900 --> 650-950
- base health: 570 --> 550
- Q cooldown: 6.5s-2.5s --> 7s-3s
- Q base damage per rock: 38-130 --> 40-120
- repeat hits and recast are still x0.4 and x1.9 of this respectively
- Q cost: 65-85 --> 60 flat
- Q heal Taric tHP scaling per stack: 0.75% --> 1%
- E stun duration: 1.25s --> 1.5s
- E cooldown: 17s-13s --> 15s-11s
- Q base heal: 25-57 --> 30-70
- Q heal per fury point: 0.45-1.65 --> 0.5-2.3
- R cooldown: 130s-90s --> 120s-80s
- E cooldown: 20s-12s --> 20s-14s
- W cooldown: 20s-12s --> 22s-12s
- E monster mod: 180% --> 160%
Xin Zhao:
- P heal tAD scaling: 7% --> 10%
- W cost: 60 flat --> 60-40
- W thrust damage: 40-180 +80% tAD +50% AP --> 50-190 +90% tAD +65% AP (crit is still up to x1.333 these values)
Fully charged passive attack:
- HP ratio 1-10% --> 3%-15%
- AP ratio 80% --> 90%
- No longer slows.
Q base damage 7-15 --> 8-20
Q AD ratio 110%-120% --> 110%-130%
W beam (terrain collision) now critically strikes for 175% damage
- Note how critical strikes grant triple E CD refund and R stacks
W AD ratio 140% AD --> 150% AD
W slow 30%-70% --> 30%-50%
W cooldown 13-9 --> 12-8
E cooldown: 26s-20s --> 22s-16s
E cooldown refund per hit: 1.0s --> 0.5s (crits still triple)
R stacks per initial champion hit: 4 --> 8
R bonus MS per stack 1.5% --> 1%
R cooldown 120-70 --> 100-70
This changelist was datamined and might differ from official numbers in a place or two. For context of these changes, see Riot Phroxz0n's twitter.
Credit for most of this post goes to u/FrankTheBoxMonster.
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