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Edit: Please avoid adding things like CC or damage immunity. The question becomes boring if every spell gives you Tryndamere R. Get creative!

Surprise! You were woken up at Riot's HQ and hired as a member of the balance team. Your job? Prepare balance patches for preseason 12! This may seem a little normal at first, but you were given the limitation of 'no number changes are allowed.'

Here's what is considered as a number change:

  • Base Stats

  • Skill Ratios (and base numbers)

  • Mana/Energy costs (and refunds)

  • CDR (and cdr resets)

  • Duration of Effect

  • Animation speed (and cast time)

Here's an example of a no-numbers change that buffs a champion:

  • Urgot' s R (Fear Beyond Death) can now target towers and execute them if they're in his ult's execution threshold.

And here's an example of a no-numbers change that nerfs a champion:

  • Aatrox's E (Umbral Dash) no longer resets his autoattack.

So what would you do as a member of the balance team? What changes would you make that would propel a champion to the top (or bottom, if you so choose)?

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over 3 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Sett can now use his R on towers.
