You disappointed most of my League friendlist and me with your predatory business practices last year and overall decision making and content + the internal drama about the culture inside your company is not forgotten.
Step up your game and ethics and I am sure many of the long time players in their 20s+ will spend more money again. I very much enjoy League at its core, but compared to say 2017 I barely bought anything in 2019.
Even if you should not respond to this comment, take it to heart. You might be able to psychologically trick and prey on the younger audience, but that is not the way it should be done imo.
PS: You could obviously apply most of my points to Fortnite as well, but at least they offered massive content updates in 2018+2019 I guess. Still, Epic games is doing a poor job as well when it comes to the way they treat their players imo. At least their competitive audience. Which is not okay due to many reasons imo. Wait for their numbers after 2020. I highly doubt they will have any growth with their current way of operating. Quite the opposite, their revenue will most likely drop.
Treating your consumer with dignity and respect is the long-term way to go and how we should treat other fellow human anyways.