As a developer myself I'm aware the real financial cost of having to remove all references to lethality and across localizations could be, which I would like to see mentioned too. Be honest with the player base.
I'm a bit sad that communication around the conscious decision to keep the name wasn't mentioned in the notes, as likely true this makes it seem a bit revisionist? I'm not sure that's the right term here but I think it gets the point across.
I'd make the argument that lethality also doesn't tell me it's weak against armor. If I'm 50 lethality I'd think I'm really good at killing. Couldn't the same thing be said by naming it something a bit more on the nose? Physical Burst?
I think the name lethality just has a focus group pull to it that the kids like and that's alright too. Maybe more stats should have names like that?
Instead of heal and shield power, why not Protector's Power?
My point here isn't to suggest changes, but rather highlight the conflicting recent decisions here.
Is Riot trying to name things to be honest and complete (flat armor penetration) or intuitively helpful (lethality must help me kill better I don't need to know why).
Other Naming Conventions
I think a lot of the naming conventions around stats could be modernized for newer players.
Ability power doesn't necessarily increase an ability's power.
Attack usually refers to basic attacks (or is it auto attacks)? But Attack Damage often makes your spells stronger too.
We have magic damage and magic resistance. But we have physical damage and armor.
Either way thanks for your time, u/RiotPhlox