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With the announcement that Kobe, Vedius, and Atlus will be casting the Finals this year, Kobe has cast the Finals every year since 2016, with the exception of last year when he missed out due to COVID (casters stayed in their own regions and EU cast the finals).

Just a genuinely incredible achievement for a guy who has been on top of his profession for such a long time now. Nobody else even comes close to this in this timeframe (although Jatt I believe did the Finals from 2012-2016). Being a guy who Riot has considered in the top 2 at his role for that long of a time period is really impressive.

2016: Jatt, Kobe, and Quickshot

2017: Deficio, Kobe, and Phreak

2018: Kobe, Papasmithy, and Captain Flowers

2019: Papasmithy, Kobe, and Quickshot

2020: Vedius and Quickshot

2021: Vedius, Kobe, and Atlus

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over 3 years ago - /u/Pastrytime - Direct link

Originally posted by viktarionus

Love Kobe



over 3 years ago - /u/RumbleStew - Direct link

Originally posted by GGLSpidermonkey

I raise you : Deficio, Quick shot, Kobe

This cast produced one of my favorite lines ever at MSI Final 2017, SKT vs G2. Perkz kills Faker. Kobe, “God is bleeding!!!!” Deficio, “what’s a god to a non-believer, Kobe?” Chef’s kiss.