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In a Q&A when asked about whether the damage in League was to high; Riot answered no, that the regional opinion on damage changed, but China loved the short high damage fiestas, so they will focus on that region.

This is literally the entire game being catered to one region because of money and internet cafe’s and tencent.

Censorship of death figures (Karthus and Thresh) and maybe even lgbtq related stuff in the future, because China doesn’t allow that.

Video covering a Q&A by HuzzyGames

30 minute mark, should be chaptered. Check out yourselves and see how sad this is.

External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

The representation in the video is not exactly accurate. We did say that certain regions have certain preferences (this doesn't just mean China for example) regarding damage and that we have a lot of discussions internally about it. In that meeting, we did NOT say that damage in league is staying the way it is ad infinitum, nor that we are happy or unhappy with where it is currently.

Regardless of whether a region likes damage a certain way, if we determined it was worth changing the amount of damage for some reasons (whether that's increasing the quality of tactical gameplay, slowing down combat, etc.), then there's a possibility that it will still be done.

Notably, there are a lot of flow on effects from changing damage that require weeks, if not months of follow up work and instability, including completely up ending the meta and game understanding for Pro play, so that's also one of the considerations. It would not be as simple as just reducing damage by X% and the game is fixed. Tanks, assassins, adc, sustain, pro play watchability, game snowballiness are just some of the places that would likely need adjustment.

about 3 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by erich1510

Regardless of regional favoritism, It still sounds like revenue decisions are often considered a factor in gameplay changes (eg. paying more attention to balance for popular champions/have a skin coming out, whereas ASol gets looked at maybe once in 10 patches) and that seems to be a dangerous slope to go down on. Pre S7 League felt like a more holistic approach to gameplay over revenue - we didn't have such prevalent gamification mechanics like shorter games to accommodate shorter attention spans, hextech chests and loot box gamification mechanics etc. outside the game. It felt like the live gameplay team genuinely had players' interests first and foremost over what the analytics dictate might increase player engagement or revenue. It genuinely feels almost as sinister as Facebook and Instagram's approaches to their users.

I know you're not going to believe me, but revenue is not even remotely a consideration for people making gameplay changes and I've been on the team since season 4, including the live gameplay era. Sometimes skins come out and I didn't even know they were in development, so I wouldn't agree with this take at all.