It's the bread and butter item for most bruisers but it feels so bad. Everyone who could switch to trinity force already did it: look at Sett, Darius, Fiora, Garen, Yorick, Xin, Vi... Even f*cking Aatrox started giving trifroce a shot.
It's so obvious that the item is underwhelming atm.
And how is gonna Bork help bruisers? Most of them already have % damage in their kits, but little does it matter when Ornn has 400 armor with 2 items and black cleaver only shreads 24% of it after 6 hits.
Buffing Black Cleaver, reducing Hydra's cost and make Steraks stack with Maw is all bruisers need tbh. Make it stack in 4 hits, increase the AD to 50, revert the shredd to 30%, soft rework it, i don't know, just do something about it
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