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It's the bread and butter item for most bruisers but it feels so bad. Everyone who could switch to trinity force already did it: look at Sett, Darius, Fiora, Garen, Yorick, Xin, Vi... Even f*cking Aatrox started giving trifroce a shot.

It's so obvious that the item is underwhelming atm.

And how is gonna Bork help bruisers? Most of them already have % damage in their kits, but little does it matter when Ornn has 400 armor with 2 items and black cleaver only shreads 24% of it after 6 hits.

Buffing Black Cleaver, reducing Hydra's cost and make Steraks stack with Maw is all bruisers need tbh. Make it stack in 4 hits, increase the AD to 50, revert the shredd to 30%, soft rework it, i don't know, just do something about it

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about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

buffed multiple secondary items because a large part of the issue seems to be failure to scale and carry. it should be worth while investing resources to get many of these more carry oriented champions fed (ie: Jax/Fiora), but currently does not seem to be at higher levels of play. botrk is a luxury item and will only be purchased on certain melee that are ahead enough to be able to afford to build an almost pure damage item.