A lot of the champs that were frequently banned (Brand, Veigar, Lux) have now been adjusted, making them more fair to play against.
A good case of Riot completely missing the point.
Veigar isn't unfair because his damage needs trimming. Guess what? Full tank Veigar is actually pretty good in ARAM. Veigar isn't fair because he has a shortish cooldown AoE stun that covers almost all of the lane. You have to completely and totally change how you play to deal with it, and a lot of champions don't have enough in their kit to really do it.
Riot wrote this big long post about how they understood how not having reasonable weaknesses mattered and how they'd think about it in the future. They then completely ignored everything in that post and pretend that its all about having the right Win% numbers (see discussions from Riot on Riven and Vayne). It's the classic fallacy where things that are (easily) measured matter and things that aren't as easily measured don't.
Yes, you can trim Veigar's numbers so that he is close to 50% winrate. Congrats. But that doesn't matter - he would make the game vastly less enjoyable for 5 people even if he was at 40% winrate because his kit is broken on ARAM.