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Mine is when Ashe stood between the two enemies and auto attacked over and over until she died and I could do nothing about it. She went 0/4 in the first 5 minutes and then left bot to go to top where we already had someone. Leaving me alone trying to stop a 4/0 Caitlyn from taking our tower.

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almost 7 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

I don't have a specific one, but in general it's reading the lane/understanding what matchup we're in. So many times my ADC is either ALWAYS AGGRESSIVE IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT I'M VAYNE AND WEAK RIGHT NOW or NEVER AGGRESSIVE THANKS FOR THE SHIELD IT'S REALLY GONNA HELP ME STAND BEHIND YOU DOING NOTHING.

Honestly one of the most challenging parts of being a support main is learning to read the patterns of rando ADCs