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This is a RANKED MATCH, how is this fair in any way? Everyone except me fed hard all game (I'm Ezreal). Alistar was decent and did a good job in the bot lane, but Irelia kept dying to Lux then roaming bot to die to shaco+blitz. I managed to keep Nilah down, but how can I do anything when top, jungle and mid kept feeding non stop all game? Top laner finished 0/9, mordekaiser was pretty much one shotting everyone in the end. Irelia kept going 1v5 all game. I don't blame them, they're low elo, they're bad, it's fine. But how is this matchmaking fair? This is a joke.

PS: INB4 this gets removed because there is no war in Ba Sing Se.


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5 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Can you post riot Id and tag?