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almost 5 years ago - /u/Riot_Gehirn - Direct link

Originally posted by -Quit

In a partnered study lasting approximately 8 years and backed by $20 million in federal funding, leading scientists managed to chronologically place the invention of cheating somewhere between 3.5 billion BCE and November 20th, 1985. While its precise origin remains indeterminate, one reality has become accepted as established fact: Cheaters gonna cheat.

Haha. This one is funny.

Anticheat team have the best banter.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotAproxity - Direct link

Originally posted by MagicianXy

My favorite thing about SI units is that you've got your prefixes (milli, centi, kilo, mega, giga, etc.) and your unit types (grams, liters, meters, etc.), and you can stick them together in any way you want while still making complete sense.

And if you stick them together fancy enough you get to name them. Just say Kilo-gram-meter per second-second and suddenly you have a Newton.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotAproxity - Direct link

Originally posted by _wassap_

Cheating in mhw is basically „ive put more than 3k hours combined into previous MH games, got too old to grind the shit out of mhw and thus skip some parts“

Decoration sniping comes to mind.