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I lost a game because our jungler went afk at 2 minutes in and we were allowed to forfeit the game at 3:45. She didn't buy jungle items and went AFK and I still lose a whopping 19LP.

It is really off putting when you have such a difficult back and forth previous game and manage to scrape a win and gain 21LP like I did, then the following game you lose 19LP for a 3:45 game where your teammate goes AFK.

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over 1 year ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

The way loss mitigation works is it calculates your chances of winning the game at the point the player goes AFK and refunds you based upon how high that chance is.

At 3:45, you are probably still 50/50, which means it would do a bit above the minimum amount of mitigation.

That is obviously a bummer. I'll take a look at what we have the floor set to on Monday, since we've increased variance (amount of LP gained/lost each game) it probably needs to be revisited because the values were set before then.